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Level 2: Apprentice
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Forgive me if this ends up into a rant.


My Galaxy S2 has started to behave oddly. I could be on the net with it, then put it to sleep and place it on the table. So many minutes later i can not wake it up. I take out the battery, put it back in and on it comes but with, and sometimes, a massive drop in power with a sharp vertical line on the battery usage graph.


I spoke to one of the 02 chat people who advised to get a new battery. So heres my beef. You can not buy a galaxy s2 from a) any 02 store, b) carphonewarehouse. You can buy them at indipendant stores but you will find the price to way higher than 02's £19.99.


So instead of being able to sort the problem quickly, before the phone decides it wont work at all, i have to wait up to 5 days to get one delivered from the 02 online store.


Sorry again but its really wound me up.

Message 1 of 59

Level 94: Supreme
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Batteries on ebay for less than £3.00 but its not the battery that's at fault anyway. Most likely an app and probably a power saving one like Juice defender or Green power.... They are notorious for it.
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Message 2 of 59

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Sadly I don't use any power savers except the default on on the phone.
Message 3 of 59

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I offered those apps as a suggestion.... It's stil a system conflict that's causing you the issue....
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Message 4 of 59

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Ok. I can't see how as I have had the same apps for well over a year. Nothing has changed. I did update to 4.03 in April but had no issues till now. Ive swapped battery with my wife's s2 and hers has had some issues since and mine has not.
Message 5 of 59

Not applicable

You should be on Android ICS 4.04 by now.

You are wrong to dismiss the earlier posts about apps. They update all the time and unless you can confirm 100% that you have set your device to *never* allow an update of them you simply cannot reject those suggestions as possible causes for your issue with the device.
As for expecting any help with this from your network contractor, don't waste your time. And don't expect buying batteries or accessories from them to be anything other than poor value.
From my use and ownership of a Samsung Galaxy S2, the original included Samsung battery is just about OK but the best replacement batteries (in my experience) by far are the Anker 1900mAh Li-ion Battery marked explicitly for use in the S2 and are sold singly, or in a pair with a universal charger included, at an excellent price on Amazon UK. They work exceptionally well.

Message 6 of 59

Level 94: Supreme
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Well I still wouldn't be spending my money on new batteries wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 7 of 59

Not applicable
I agree - until that user has done a little homework to establish what is causing their problem a new battery (or spare one) is not the issue. But having a good quality spare battery is pretty essential for smart phone use, and for that phone and model the Anker 1900mAh is the best.
Message 8 of 59

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Some good advice here guys, nice one wink
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Message 9 of 59

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Some good advice here guys, nice one wink
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Message 10 of 59