So let me get this straight, O2 have no desire to ever support the Apple Watch 3 LTE in fact would go as far to say they will never support ESIM (to which Orange now EE have had for a very long time).
However O2 have spent money on start to support 5G network (which as an iPhone X user I will not have the luxury of as the phone does not support it, £1000+ phone and not future proof but that is for an Apple forum).
Now I put this to the O2 community and everyone else that likes a good poll. All you have to do is comment what you would of preferred O2 had invested their many moneys in to. If you think it should have been ESIM so that we could of had Apple Watch 3 LTE just put “Apple watch do you have to ask” or if for some reason 4G just isn’t meeting your browsing need or streaming then put “5G I hate buffering”.
I feel O2 has dropped the ball big time with listening to their customers and I have been a loyal customer for 12+ years and have been miss treated (can’t say what I want to say but I will let you decide the bad lanuage I want to use) by many network providers, but now I feel like I could go for another round of great disappointment just so I can have the tech everyone talks about and is wearing.
All I will say is come on O2 it is time you listened and gave customers what they want not what you think they want.
I am fairly confident I know which one may come out on top and I will start it off.