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Appaling Customer Services

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Does anyone else agree that O2 Customer services are the worst of any company? Near 7 weeks have now passed since first raising my complaints via phone calls and emails and all they do is close the calls without making any contact and providing an update. O2 Fraudently obtained my banking and card details when i raised an issue over the O2 app and was told the only way to fix it was to set up a dircet debit, something i repeatedly said i dont want, but despite this they insited they need my details to issue a sim that would work with my number and it was O2 policy to do this and that all details would be removed after the call and a new sim issued. This was a total lie and dsubsequent txts followed confirming a direct debit had been set up, something i 100% never agreed to and have since spent may hours on the phone trying to resolve and sent many emails only to be ignored. In my view this is theft as 02 had sent a DD mandate to my bank without my permission and are now unwilling to discuss. 7 weeks on still no one will contact me, absolutely shocking and shows O2 are putting profit before people and are willing to steal peoples personell details to get that profit and award shareholder diveneds. Totally disgusting and the board should be sacked and bonus payments made to be paid back. I have repeatedly told them to listen to the calls so they coould see first hand what happened, but obviously they havent.

Message 1 of 13

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Totally agree my complaint has been logged since 19th July and still no reply. I have sent it to every email address I can find. They have taken money from my account for no reason and have not refunded it.

Message 11 of 13

Level 38: Lively
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Please see @Maddma :-


Customer+Complaints+code+250523.pdf (


In particular :-


What happens next?
If you’re not happy after we’ve responded to your complaint, or if your complaint isn’t resolved after eight weeks, you may wish to refer your complaint to an Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is a free service, which will independently review your complaint. They investigate complaints fairly by listening to both sides of the story and looking at the facts. Their decision is binding on O2, but not on you as a customer.


You will shortly be in a position to escalate your complaint to the Ombudsman. 

Message 12 of 13

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Good luck pal , think you’ll need it , I only want access to my business account using a username and password but it’s beyond then , however their direct debit works seamlessly fine- joke ( on me )

Message 13 of 13