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iphone 6+ delays on O2

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Just wanted to drag this out of the main pre-order thread.


Managed to Order an iphone 6+ this morning in store.  Helpful chap promised it would be available for  launch next Friday.


upon processing the Order I received an email from O2 confirming the Order but stating delivery for 7th october.


I telephoned the store and told the chap and he checked with someone higher up and confirmed that date is correct (in fact the manager he spoke with actually thought it was later; O2 dont have any stock of 6+ in any variant until October).


This has happened to a couple of otehr people who have upgraded instore.


Has anybody received confirmation of an earlier delivery date for a 6+ who has either ordered instore or online/phone?


Seems to me O2 could have been a bit clearer about vailability of the 6+

Message 1 of 114
113 REPLIES 113

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@jonsie I can't see how they push you to the back of the queue just for enquiring about an order, my order date doesn't change so they can't put me behind someone who has ordered recently. 


I think that's just some paranoia with people's wait times getting longer and longer which seems to be the trend regardless of contacting the web team.

Message 81 of 114

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Apparently it's the way the system tries to reorder, not my thought but a reply from a complaint :

@Anonymous wrote:

Oh my god. Just had a reply to my formal complaint. Read on and feel your blood go cold... This is utterly ridiculous.


We initially advised around two to three weeks, but our estimated delivery timescales are now up to six weeks.

I understand this is a long time to wait for your order, but several of our Customer Service agents have worsened the situation. Each time we have attempted to retry your order, an email is sent to you advising you the order is processing. This is because our request resends the order and if a phone is available, it will be sent to you.

Unfortunately due to popular demand, the stock levels are changing very quickly, meaning each time we've resent your order, no phone was available, placing you further back in the queue system. this may explain why some people have received their phone sooner than you.

Message 82 of 114

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Oh my. I see what you mean, well, I just rang CS rather than go through web chat, and the gentleman I spoke to assured me that I haven't been pushed to the back of the queue and my order date has remained the same so hopefully this hasn't happened to me.


Unfortunately, the CS man I spoke to was no more help than the web chat team, I've already waited 2 weeks, the general concensus seems to be I've got another 2 weeks wait left, at least, the customer service agent did say, the current 2-4 week wait is only an estimation and it could even go to 5-6 weeks, not what I wanted to hear as you can imagine.


I've decided if the handset doesn't ship within the next week I will be cancelling my order and going elsewhere. I like to think I'm a patient person but I have my limits. As much as I would like to stick with O2 and the Refresh tariff, at this point, the idea of waiting over a month for the handset to arrive is cause for serious concern.

Message 83 of 114

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@AnonymousI think your patience has been pushed to the limit already. Some posting on here have said they have walked into an O2 store and CPW and picked one up immediately.I realise CPW don't offer Refresh but ity depends how much of a deal breaker that is for you?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 84 of 114

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@Cleoriff I'm inclined to agree with you! As it happens I went into an O2 store today to enquire about their stock, suffice to say, I waited nearly 30 mins, there were roughly 16 people waiting to be seen with 3 staff toiling away. 


After 30 mins I was still behind 7 people waiting to be seen. As I don't have all the time on the face of the planet to lurk around in phone shops praying to (insert Deity of choosing here) to be seen by a member of staff I had to scarper. 


I may make another hopeful, yet fruitless attempt to revisit the store tomorrow in my all too fleeting period of free time laughingly referred to as a "lunch break" in hopes of some actual human interaction although if today's staffing levels are anything to go by I'll likely leave driven to despair and on the verge of madness.


If all else fails my only other recourse may be to seek employment in said O2 store, n then I can assist myself! slight_smile

Message 85 of 114

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I am delighted to see your sense of humour has not failed you @Anonymous Please do not go down the route of madness...How will you manage to play with your new iPhone 6...all supposing you ever get one..LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 86 of 114

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@Cleoriff honestly my dreams of owning my very own iPhone 6+ in dazzling golden tones seem to be a fleeting whimsy at this point. So near, yet so very very far. (I'm guessing about as far as the factory in China where they are made, which should I visit, would probably nab me a handset faster).


I'm quite convinced should I endeavour with my initial childlike excitement (since violently dashed) and wait it out, I shall end up like Miss Haversham in Great Expectations, sitting at home, waiting for UK Mail to arrive with my shiny new handset, slowly going insane surrounded by cobwebs as I haven't dared move for fear I miss the delivery.


Ahhh the nievety of youth. Well, I was 2 weeks younger when I ordered it. If nothing else, I have learnt from my mistakes. I'm planning on pre-ordering the iPhone 7 tomorrow, by the time it's released in 2016, O2 should have some stock. Or maybe not......

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@Anonymous wrote:

I'm planning on pre-ordering the iPhone 7 tomorrow, by the time it's released in 2016, O2 should have some stock. Or maybe not......


What a damn good idea Thinking...Or maybe go for another make of phone? I am told the Note 4

is a wonderful choice....(Ducks below parapet) wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 88 of 114

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@Cleoriff a Samsung!?! Ironically, 2 weeks ago I would have cried "HERESY!" and doused you with holy water blessed by Saint Steve Jobs, however, my recent turmoil and betrayal by the holy iFruit means your suggestion isn't all that ludicrous.


It's finally happened. I may have crossed over to the android darkside in a "galaxy" far far away....... (get it, Galaxy? Ba dum dum. Hey, I have to think these things up you know.)


I must admit, the Note scares me. It comes with a pen. A PEN!!! I mean, what is this, the dark ages? Might as well send an sms with a quill. 


For now, I will steel myself and test my resolve and wait it out. For now.......

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Note 4 Bronze.png


Are you sure I can't tempt you? Not gold but bronze....LOL

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Girl in a jacket
Message 90 of 114