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iMessage on iOS 7 not working

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1st message so please be kind, I couldn't find a thread similar to this topic...


I updated to iOS 7 last night, and now I don't have access to iMessage from my telephone number.  It works with my gmail & iCloud email addresses but not on my phone number.


Plus it hasn't activated yet.  I love my iPhone 5 and it is doing my head in to get it sorted.  I have tried all the work arounds on the web that I can find (reset settings, turn off & on wifi and airplane mode).  Plus I have rebooted the phone.  Strangely I get this or something similar sent to me by text message every time I try to activate it. 




The same thing is happening with my wife's iPhone 4 when updated to iOS 7.  I have called O2 couldn't get through as everyone is upgrading, therefore I contacted O2 via chat and they said it is a issue and will be resolved, when?


Does anyone what is going on or what to do?

Message 1 of 107
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I downloaded the ios 7 and restarted the phone and imessage and facetime been working fine since. Maybe its the apple servers in overdrive.

Message 31 of 107

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This is all pointing to O2... I have forwarded this in to O2 and spoken to someone in Network Services who was very interested in this and is looking in to it but I don't think it's a quick fix!

It is all looking like O2... an update would be good O2??

The lady I spoke to at O2 said she'd call me back on Tuesday so I'll report back if it's not fixed.
Message 32 of 107

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Thanks Jack


I think it's a waiting game, i'm not bashing O2 as I know others who can't get iMessage and are on other networks.  But they need to sort this ASAP, in the cold light of day is text message that bad, just irritating that it is still not working!  


I will update when it is activated, still awaiting at the moment!


Message 33 of 107

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Same problem here. imessage and facetime not working with mobile number but ok with email address. 'awaiting activation' showin in settings, mobile number greyed out ans jumbles txts from apple/o2 every 30 mins or so

Message 34 of 107

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New iPhone arrived yesterday and more or less straight away the strange text messages started to arrive. 


I thought it was a faulty handset, so I looked online to see if I could find a way to fix it. Did a couple of handset resets, switched things off and on. Nothing worked!!


Started to get a bit unhappy as I have just spend £500 on a handset that's not working and to make matters worse I was going to have to go to London to get it fixed. 


Just thought I would try one last thing. I swapped the o2 Sim in the handset for a Vodafone one. A couple of seconds carrier update message. Switched the handset off and on and imessages is now working. 


So the issue must have something to do with O2. 


If this issue just goes away and corrects itself then please post here.





Been an O2 customer (off and on) since 1995
Message 35 of 107

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I tried a three micro sim and that number activated on my iMessage within seconds. It certainly is an O2 error.
Message 36 of 107

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The text that apple sends back that is supposed to activate it is supposed to be a silent sms (it wont come up on your messages) is coming through as a regular text (which the phone doesn't process) I wondered what is unique to o2 over vodafone and 3 which got me thinking about the servers o2 use for TuGo.


I ended up turning iMessage and FaceTime off and totally deleting my tugo account (not signing out). I then removed the app from my phone and rebooted the phone. Once the phone was back up I enabled iMessage and FaceTime without an issue. 


It's obviously TuGo that's not handling the silent text properly. If anyone has a support case open with o2 you might want to ask them to focus on that.


I'm just off to reinstall TuGo.

Message 37 of 107

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Not got tugo installed here so doesn't look like that is the issue.
Message 38 of 107

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Mine seems to be working now. I say seems to because iMessages can now be sent in messages (blue texts) but I just got another configuration SMS. Not sure if the receiptient received the iMessages I sent yet
Message 39 of 107

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I can send but not receive.
Message 40 of 107