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Porting Number to EE (Pay As You Go)

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Last Thursday, my wife's O2 Pay As You Go mobile number, was ported from O2 to EE. The process was initiated using EE's online form - entering temporary mobile number (on new sim card) , PAC code, and the number she wanted to keep (her number from O2), and then submitting the form.


The process completed on Friday and she then had her O2 number, ported over to EE. This is where ALL the problems began.......


Issue 1 Since her number was ported from O2 (end of last week), iMessage has stopped working on her iPhone 6 (was working fine on O2).  After speaking with Apple Support last week - no amount of trouble shooting could solve this.  The service constantly just shows "Waiting for Activation" - it NEVER activates.


Issue 2: Since Monday morning, my wife's number has dropped off the EE network - she is able to make outgoing calls, but can no longer receive Incoming calls. The caller gets an automated message stating "This number is no longer in service".  She can also NOT recieve any text messages either.


I know I should be contacting EE about this and I have, trust me - the process is ongoing.


HOWEVER, EE, who have since contacted their Porting Team, to find out why the number is not working properly, now think that the issue stems from the Porting Team at O2. They are under the impression (as everything on the EE porting side looks fine) that something has not come across from the Porting Team at O2 (i.e. files or whatever else is associated to a phone number - hence the reason why iMessage fails to activate on EE but was working fine on O2).


I have been in contact with Second Line Support at EE who have advised that they have now contacted O2, ino order to try and find out if there was, and still is, indeed an error, when the phone number was released from O2.......


My question here is - is there any way anybody here at O2 (via a PM), can contact me in order for them to check the number and see if it was released properly, instead of me having to wait for a response from Second Line Support at EE who are in turn, waiting for a response from O2 first, before they can respond to me???

Message 1 of 71

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Unfortunately as you fear, nothing will happen over the weekend.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 31 of 71

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Message 32 of 71

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Message 33 of 71

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@DinoFI can't comment on your porting issue as frankly that's just abysmal. However I will comment on that community thread. There are 16 posts on the thead. Apart from the top one which shows 20th January (and nothing to do with your post) ...where are the dates and times of posts relating to your specific issue?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 34 of 71

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@Cleoriff wrote:

@DinoFI can't comment on your porting issue as frankly that's just abysmal. However I will comment on that community thread. There are 16 posts on the thead. Apart from the top one which shows 20th January (and nothing to do with your post) ...where are the dates and times of posts relating to your specific issue?

...not sure what you mean exactly?!


If you are referring to the dates of my posts, they are shown above each post - the first post by me, shows "Monday" at the top left (under the word 'Porting'.  There are no actual dates yet as the posts were made last week but I guess, next week - it will show dates.



Message 35 of 71

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Yes I can see the days...but no dates. So if I was a newbie to that forum I would have no idea how current or relevant the information was? Look at this place. When you post the date and time is shown immediately....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 36 of 71

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^^^^^^ there you go 23/01/17 at 12.19...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 37 of 71

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Yes I can see the days...but no dates. So if I was a newbie to that forum I would have no idea how current or relevant the information was? Look at this place. When you post the date and time is shown immediately....

...well, thats the stupidy of the EE forums for you. I am guessing the time and date stamp won't show until next week.

Message 38 of 71

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@DinoF wrote:

@Cleoriff wrote:

Yes I can see the days...but no dates. So if I was a newbie to that forum I would have no idea how current or relevant the information was? Look at this place. When you post the date and time is shown immediately....

...well, thats the stupidy of the EE forums for you. I am guessing the time and date stamp won't show until next week.

Poor layout actually. The date and time should be an integral part of every post made...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 39 of 71

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....ok. I have literally ran out of ideas and so I am now begging, an O2 member on here (I'm only aware of @Toby ) can help me.


My latest communication today with my contact at EE, has just resulted in the following response:




Hi Dino


I have literally just spoke with the porting team and I do wish there was someone above them that could get this resolved unfortunately their isn’t anybody and they are the best people to resolve the problem we have even  a manger would have to speak with them and the problem is getting a response from 02 not us fixing the problem .


Where we  stand at the moment  its the  same as I left it Friday that we are still  awaiting a response from 02  the problem is we don’t have any control over how long they are going to take over a reply but the porting have resent an email to their team for me just now hopefully they give us a reply .As a network we have done everything we can possibly do now Dino we are just awaiting the reply from 02 .




By my count, that is now the THIRD time, EE'S Porting Team have sent over an email to O2's Porting Team  - WHY ARE THEY NOT RESPONDING????  Jeez.........CrazySmiley Mad:smileysad:


Is there NO WAY @Toby can help me here - I feel so stressed out (and my wife too), about this whole situation - I literally feel like its getting us nowhere because O2 won't respond to EE's emails......


Surely, somebody on here, must know how I can get in touch with O2's Porting Team................???

Message 40 of 71