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Iphone 5s delivery update

Level 3: Thinker
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Ordered a 5s white 16gb on the 23rd September, was given the standard "up to 6/12 weeks" for delivery, spoke to O2 today, and am taking with a pinch of salt, but this changed on the 4th October to up to 2 week delivery. Not sure if that just for me or general orders.


Message 1 of 84

Not applicable
I submitted a complaint to O2 complaints department over the whole 'in stock' thing and also conflicting and bizarre info I was getting from advisors.

I got a call back from David in the customer complaints section yesterday. He looked at the info advisors were giving out and said it was incorrect and apologised. He told me that they don't divide the stock up as the previous advisors told me and that it is first come first served. Going by posts here business users seem to have been shoved to the back of the queue so not sure how they explain that. I asked him to clarify the whole 'in stock' thing when phones clearly weren't. He said that orders were being placed on the system and it simply wasn't able to keep up. I asked if someone ordered an iphone, did the system not just remove one from the known stock number in real time so that only phones in stock would be ordered. He said the system was unable to keep up with this and was not doing a real time stock count down when orders were placed which led to the problem. Upshot was he apologised and has taken on the conflicting things advisors were telling me and will look into that.

I finally got my space grey 32gb on Thursday. I felt it was important to get an explanation on the whole situation though. I would advise anyone who is unhappy to submit their complaint to And see what they say.
Message 81 of 84

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Do you have yours yet Chesbon ?  I'm still waiting

Message 82 of 84

Not applicable

Hi Tissy,


I got mine at 12:45. Got a text message at 7am alerting me that my delivery would be happening today between 1pm and 4pm lucky I was not in meetings.


I hope this means you have received yours or are due delivery today?


I got a reply from the ceo's office or customer relations team. They carried on about the same old nonsense but hadnt bothered to read what was acctually happening.


I will be following up with them as it was just very bad communication and I dont think Ill be renewing mine next year, we'll see what deals will be available then.


Look forward to hearing your response.


Message 83 of 84

Not applicable

Its arrived slight_smile

Restore from iPhone 4S in progress.


Have fun with yours Cheshbon !!

Message 84 of 84