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no network...

Not applicable

hi all firstly i am a complete novice.... i recently bought of e bay a samsung galaxy note gt-7000 when it arrived i took sim out of my samsung ace and popped into note ... phone kept saying not registerd to net work ...i live in penkridge but work in birmingham some 25 miles away i took the phone to o2 shop in brum and asked there advice for tem mins they tried to get me to part exchange my phone ??? then they switched phone on and hey presto it worked fine . i was away for most of weekend  returned to penkridge and once again the phone is saying not regieterd on network ... ive gone into my network list ie o2 orange t mobile etc but o2 is not comeing up ???? ive tried sending text but it says networ currently unavailable ive checked 02 network coverage for my area and it says good .. so why is my phone not picking network up it works fine in brum but not penkridge i put sim back into my old ace and it works fine so there is no problem with sim card ive had a look at my o2 account and it still has samsung ace as my device with the corosponding imi number could this cause me a problem on my new note as the imi will be diffrent to that on my o2 account or have i just bought a dud phone ??? help please

Message 1 of 13

Not applicable

took the phone into a shop today had new antena fitted 30.00 and hey presto all is good


Message 11 of 13

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Good news but I think it's still worth making a complaint against the seller via eBay.

Message 12 of 13

Not applicable
I agree you shouldn't have had to pay for work to be carried out on the handset.

On top of this any remaining warranty could now be voided ref the work carried out perhaps by an unauthorised engineer.

This all leads me to think the owner knew if an issue and opted to sell it on. 😞

It may be a little difficult to bring the seller to task now as you have had work done on the phone which could be challenged by the seller as any issues present could be caused by an unauthorised engineer etc.

I hope all remains ok with it now and the journey is over and you can enjoy the device at last. slight_smile
Message 13 of 13