One day my glorious pixel 3XL developed a strange fault relating to its charger port and battery. The battery would drain fast and the charger only worked one way around and it never detected the headphone adaptor either...... So carefully I cleared the data and off I went to Blackburn's O2 branch and sorted out a repair, initially I was told the phone is out of warranty (although I've since checked on Google's services and it's covered until June this year). The phone made its way between 19th December to 4th January to o2 repair centre in Nottingham.
Then unbeknownst to me was then sent to google with no contact or information that this happened.. (should of used Google directly).
I found this out 2days ago, the device is I think with Google although they can't even trace it via its IMEI number and O2 have no idea if it got to Google.....
O2 repair line is a lottery if you get through at all and the only name I have is Ash (repair team manager). So I shall try to ring him again today but I suspect it's lost and I will have to prove it so I can procure a replacement.........