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JellyBean roll out Xperia S

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Hi all,


Sony mobile have confirmed the roll out of JellyBean has started for the Xperia S.


Although I should imagine it'll be a while before O2 customers see it, the ball is rolling!


Personally can't wait for the ftf to appear on certain websites so i can try it!


A plea to MI5 etc, those websites you use to see what firmware has been released on what networks/regions etc.... you don't happen to know the Sony one do you??





Message 1 of 121
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Just to let others know who maybe considering jelly bean update before O2 release I have followed the Carlbot youtube video (on this forum page 3 I think) and have Jelly Bean on my unrooted Xperia S. It was very easy and worked straightaway. Just took a bit of fiddling to get the flashtool due to excessive advertising on the download link.


It's worth doing as the phone works really well now.

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I have been tempted to do this, and I have used FlashTool before on my X10, but would still rather wait for the official release to my phone through PCC or SUS.


Mind you, I think Sony have cancelled the roll-out, as they are now already releasing a new version of JB for the Xperia S, version 6.2.B.0.211, which will fix camera and wifi issues apparently, among other things.

Message 42 of 121

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If that's the case and Sony are doing another update I will await for the official update for that, however after 2 days on Jelly Bean there have been problems so far. The camear seemed to work fine and i've not had any wifi problems.


As it appears though if Sony do another revision it will take even longer before O2 release it and ill be lucky to see it before I update/upgrade my phone in 18 months time.

Message 43 of 121

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@alex_ncfc85 wrote:

Would be nice to hear from O2 on the matter, but as Perksie pointed out above, I have an unbranded phone (my SI number is 1257-3114) and therefore I should/will get it from Sony, but it seems that the UK hasn't been receiving the update yet 😞

Same unbranded SI here and no update 😞 nice to know am not the only one though, looks like waiting for a bug fix version .211 to come out


Augusta  3 days ago

well You heard it! they said week 23-24. So i think it would be on the end of week, june 8th or june 15th. Just be patience. It should there on june 15th im sure. Meanwhile enjoy your buggy JB! lols

  • I Did not get the first update here Si-1257-3114 but I guess that was for Sony to fix the bugs????????, Hopefully I will get this sooner than later here in the UK/
    • Augusta  surethom  3 days ago

      Well you can flash .200 using latest flashtool if you wish. But don't waste your time for buggy firmware (much issues on this firmware). Just wait for new firmware update .211 hopefully at the end of next week. You may check later via SUS or easily download the official FTF file and flash it. Cheers mate!

Message 44 of 121

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As the webpage says .200 is available in the UK and if you are unbranded you should have it by now.


My phone is Network Locked to O2 but did some tinkering and got it direct from Sony.


My SI is now 1252-0023 (Generic) instead of 1257-0985 (Network Locked). This was achieved by rooting and flashing XZX-Xperience Rom and then connected to PCC.


I'm now on official .200 Generic World. Buggy as hell but now able to get updates direct from Sony. 


.211 shouldn't be too far in the future as it's been certified already.

Message 45 of 121

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Dear o2, please hurry up, the second release is out now, and still no word from your good selves! Yes I know I can do all sorts of things to get it somewhere else, but I would rather have your tested version.


Message 46 of 121

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@blighty59 wrote:

Dear o2, please hurry up, the second release is out now, and still no word from your good selves! Yes I know I can do all sorts of things to get it somewhere else, but I would rather have your tested version.


As mentioned in previous posts, O2 will not give any time frame or response to this. They are of the opinion 'you get it when we say so'


[EDIT]  Also, the .211 firmware has only been certified and is not available yet.

Message 47 of 121

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No idea why my SI didn't get the .200 but will wait for .211 to get released and if I bdont get the ota will try the harder route
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I was being ironic! I have been an o2 user since they started, I know their shortcomings, as well as their qualities!

As for .211 it is available, take a look at the Sony forums, at least two people I can see have it without rooting their phones.

I will however continue to wait, even if I think o2 should get a move on:smileyhappy:

Message 49 of 121

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*Finally* got the JB update through PC Companion yesterday evening. Albeit it's the .200 version sadly, so hopefully a new version follows soon.

One annoying thing so far, on ICS the LED notification would go different colours and I was used to it, so I knew for example that blue was Facebook, white was whatsapp, etc etc. But on JB it only seems to be white for everything??
Message 50 of 121