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Sony Xperia Z2 - Available for pre-order NOW!

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We have some more great news for you guys 😉

The Sony Xperia Z2 is now up for pre-order too! Head on over here to check out all the tariff and availability details >


As well as being available on our revolutionary O2 Refresh tariff, you also have the chance to bundle a Sony Xperia Tablet Z for just £99.99, saving a whopping £300! This is an amazing offer and stock is limited. Just to repeat... That's the incredible Tablet Z for a one-off £99.99 when you pre-order the Z2!

Go on, you're tempted right? I know I am... I can almost justify a third handset and second tablet 😉

UPDATE @ 28th May, 2014 - Q&A section added with common questions being asked, and their answers:

Why is the claim site still up? You said it’d be updated! This is closing on the 29th May.
Although we’ve received 2,200+ claims, a large chunk of these were duplicates or were using false data. As a result, we have not yet exhausted all 2,000 tablets we had available for this offer. As outlined in the offer terms, claims must be made prior to 29th May and as we still had tablets available, the site was left open for last minute claims until stock was exhausted. Although Z2 pre-orders were delivered to many on 1st May, some who opted to collect in store still have not actually collected them, so these customers still have until 29th May to get their claims in and assuming they pass validation, will also receive a tablet subject to stock.

Your terms say I’d have a tablet within 28 days of my claim. Where is it?
Due to  the Z2 launching on the 1st May, we had to wait 2 weeks from this date to begin our validations. The reason for this is because it allowed our validation team to ensure the handset wasn’t returned during the 7 day cooling off period. Unfortunately, due to the amount of claims we received during this first week, it took an extra week for us to get all of the returns data from our systems. Our validations began from 14th May and the 28 day delivery clause began from when you were validated. We apologise if this part of the offer terms was not made clear enough, or caused you any confusion.

Where are you now with claims and Tablet orders?
As mentioned above, we’ve had over 2,200 claims, several hundred of which were duplicates or using falsified data. To date, all claims have now been validated. You should have received an update by text alerting you that we have not forgotten about your claim. Of all validated claims, our team have placed around 500 tablet orders, most of which have been delivered. We have around another 1,300 tablet orders to place against accounts which we expect to be completed within the next fortnight. We are currently looking into the possibility of getting more staff involved in this process in order to speed it up and complete them sooner.

Why have some people received a 4G tablet and mine is Wifi?
The tablet offer has always been for the Wifi-only version, though within our allocation of 2,000 Tablet Z’s, some of these were a 4G+Wifi version. We allocated these 4G versions to the first customers to submit their claim, who subsequently passed our validation checks. For the majority of claims, customers will receive the Wifi-only Tablet Z as advertised – but if you were amongst the first, you could get the upgraded 4G version. Whichever version you receive, it’s worth the wait – we promise.

Which order were claims being validated?
Claims were validated in order they were received - eg, if you were the first to claim, you would have been the first to go through validation. In reality, not all of this has been straight forward as some customers submitted data that didn't match what we had on our systems or the account, so we've had to get in touch with some customers to correct these details. As such validating these small number of claims has taken a little longer than expected.

Why haven’t you been in touch sooner with this update?
Unfortunately the launch of the Z2 did cause us some issues. We were always aware the device would launch during the week commencing 28th April, but it wasn’t until much closer to this date that we got an official UK launch date. This had caused us some issues and along the way, our validations team had run into some unexpected issues which they have worked through tirelessly. Despite this, we can again confirm all claims to date have been validated and weather successful or not, you will receive a text confirming the status of your claim.

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Message 1 of 1,043
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@TheOnlyPaulV that's the reason they are keeping us in dark about the sequence they are issuing tablets, so to keep us in dark.
The less we know the less we suspect when they just say we were too late to submit.
Probably most were taken by O2 staffs.
And probably rest went to the most vocal complainers who been hounding them on phone and chat service.
Message 641 of 1,043

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I am often accused of being 'doom and gloom'  but I feel that voicing an opinion about how a process has been handled is different to finding the worst in any situation. 

@Chris_K has said that the claims are being processed in order of submission to the site yet we have proof that this is not the case. O2 official say it's done in order of preorder, which again we have proof is not the case.

I feel it is not doom and gloom to predict that the reason we have received nothing is because we are not considered successful now that,  as you say,  every one else has confirmation and/or the tablet and in my case ordered/submitted before or after me. 

O2 still have time to resolve the matter but I am mindful that they may just say 'yep,  we got it wrong but all the tablets have been handed out,  none left'. 


Message 642 of 1,043

Not applicable

I have certainly not been very vocal either on here or via chat etc... and I'm still waiting! Text but No E-mail

It did cross my mind they were rewarding people who shouted loudest.

Its certainyl been very quiet on here today...maybe the temp didn't turn in

Message 643 of 1,043

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Doom and gloom, but I think most have got their phones/tablets and so may not frequent the forums of people worried they may not be getting a phone/tablet. 

Message 644 of 1,043

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So I've not been on the online chat, or to customer services about the tablet.  I enquired once or twice as to the progress in relation to ordering the phone.

I ordered the handset on the 28th March, as an upgrade from my old O2 contract, and at the time paid for the early upgrade.

I then registered for the tablet at the first opportunity I had when the site went live - this was around 14.15 on the 1st May.  Working at a PC all day, and also trying on a mobile device, I could not find a way to access the site any earlier than 14.15, which is a similar experience to other users on this forum.  Until that time there was a holding page showing, and earlier posts and pages on this forum can evidence that.

I've now had both devices successfully delivered, and am a very happy customer.  I agree the comms behind this, despite the best efforts of the team, has been poorly handled.  But patience in this instance has certainly proven beneficial.


Message 645 of 1,043

Not applicable

I Just called O2 this morning and got same response.. we are updating our system so we don't have any info... we cant talk to validation team.. we don't know anything

at this stage I have very little hope of getting anything, I am going to wait until Friday otherwise closing the account, I have been very vocal of my frustration but that hasn't helped me

I was going to get phone directly only got the contract because of tablet offer and O2's good reputation, and now regretting on both of my assumptions


Message 646 of 1,043

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A lot of people will say the same, badly handled but got a good deal on a tablet combined with phone. 

For the rest of us however, we are locked into a over priced contract (one I will be trying to do my utmost to get revoked should the full deal not be honoured) and without the tablet that makes it a good deal and not through any fault of our own,  we played by the rules and did what was asked and played fair,  O2 however,  based on current evidence, have not and deliberately chose to restrict our avenues of complaint (process began after contract cancellation period and no communication) it is this fact, regardless of 'promoters decision is final' that I find 'grinds my gears' 

Message 647 of 1,043

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I'm still here, frequenting the forum.
I'm also in the process of emailing the Web team at for clarification of the ftp log on what time that site was edited to allow access to the mailto or similar script which meant site was active.
I wasn't happy with my first reply to the question "what time did the redemption url become active for redemptions on may 1st?"
The answer was.
Message 648 of 1,043

Level 56: Guvnor
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@TheOnlyPaulV interesting point at the end there, " the promoters decision is final"
Haven't o2 spent the last month saying "it's sony, speak to sony, we don't know you need to contact sony, sony are running the promotion" etc etc.
Willing to bet that tune changes soon.
Message 649 of 1,043

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I also have various written emails and chat logs with O2 which state that every are guaranteed a tablet. 

I hope @Chris_K is reading these posts,  he could at least head off a wave of negative publicity by just updating us on what's going on! 

In my company (in Salford,  media city no less) if a member of the public comes in and asks us a question and I personally don't have the answer,  I find some one who does and get the answer. 


Message 650 of 1,043