Resolved! email seplt wrong cannot verify account
How do i correct a mispelt email
How do i correct a mispelt email
Hello, I have purchased a new iPhone 13, having previously been on android. I was o2 sim only and put this sim into my iPhone, are there any sim settings that need to be changed when going from android to iPhone 13? I’m finding my network coverage is...
I used the online O2 form for keeping an old phone number after switching sims, but it keeps saying “oops! Something went wrong.” Even though I’m entering the correct details. Idk why it’s not working.My old number was on a pay as you go sim, and on ...
I got to St Lucia 3 days ago and I still haven't got a data connection working, despite activating the O2 Travel bolt on before leaving the UK. I'm using and eSim. I joined O2 on a 20GB contract 2 weeks ago and this is the worst possible way to start...
I had £1.49 credit when my monthly allowance expired. I didn't renew it and got a message saying I have to top up £10 to get my Big Data bundle allowance back, all good so far. (I have two sims and the O2 sim was not in use for data - everything was ...
new iphone 13internet working on my tabletsays wpa/wpa2 tkip is not considered secureif this is your wifi network configure the router to use wpa2aes or wpa3 security type
If I dial a number beginning with 0808 will there be a charge for it??
can i get a copy of deleted text messages from a phone contract that was cancelled 7 months ago?
So I had my phone stolen with my long standing number. Spoke to customer services who said the could put a block on it and that I could have a new phone and new sim with same number. For a week now I have been trying to get service. Today I went into...
Hi I have just got a new sim from 02 for an existing contract I've got so that I can take it out of an old Samsung (not smart) phone to put in an iphone 6. It works ok in that you can call it and it rings, receives and sends texts etc BUT the phone d...