on 16-08-2024 10:03
I've been having issues making and receiving calls and patchy internet for about 3 days now. When I search online there is a message that says work is being carried out in my area and that this will be resolved on 17 August at 8pm. This issue has been going on since 13-14th August. I cannot contact O2 as I cannot use my mobile and when I try and contact them via the MyO2 app it says the server is down. Is anyone from O2 on here, can they offer any help?
on 16-08-2024 10:28
3 days is no time at all for O2 to fix a mast.
It depends whether they can get access or upgrading to 5G or other issues.
No-one in customer services will give you any new info.
Guide: How can I sort out my network issues?
Guide: Is the network down for me or everyone?
Guide: Do you have poor coverage / signal Indoors? This may help Explain / resolve it
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 20-08-2024 12:16
What is the specific issue you're having with voice calls?
A single site outage - be it an unplanned fault or planned works - would cause a loss of coverage from that site. But if your phone shows coverage, then it has service from an overlapping site.
Data speeds will degrade in these conditions, it would be rare for voice calls to fail outright.
on 20-08-2024 12:45
on 20-08-2024 12:45
@PaulaBear You can use Wifi calling at home: WiFi and 4G Calling: Everything You Need To Know (o2.co.uk)
on 20-08-2024 20:17