on 10-03-2025 15:08
Last week O2 said there were works in my area. As warned the cellular data went down but has not come back on for my phone ever since. I have contacted O2 and they say there is no issue with the network in my area. My phone shows 4G and 5G with full bars but will not load anything. It will load notifications from apps that require low data on the Lock Screen but won’t load anything else (WhatsApp, Instagram…). I have tried all the recommended techniques (Airplane mode, select O2, update Phone, turn on and off…) but yet still no luck.
on 10-03-2025 15:18
Guide: Is the network down for me or everyone?
Guide: How can I sort out my network issues?
Download this to check and report
on 10-03-2025 15:30
Try removing sim and wipe it with a soft dry cloth.