on 31-01-2024 16:42
4G speeds drastically slow. Dropped from 40 to 60 Meg to less than 5 Meg all day.
It is unworkable as a main Internet provider. Are there known issues/reasons for this?
on 31-01-2024 17:12
on 31-01-2024 17:12
@ChattheRat We are all customers. We wouldn't know.
You can check for yourself: O2 | Service Status
on 31-01-2024 18:09
Need to check for faults
Guide: How can I sort out my network issues?
Guide: Is the network down for me or everyone?
on 31-01-2024 18:17
Random postcode of the prison museum.
A mast down in the area would put strain and more traffic on the others and slow down data.