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stopping marketing texts from O2

Not applicable

One of the things i REALLY hate is marleting texts so I asked O2 a long time ago to remove me from their marketing lists.


For several years i got no marketing texts until recently. I contacted 2220 and asked yet again to be removed from their spam lists. now, according to the ICO if i have never opted in to recive these texts and in fact have activley opted out O2 has an obligation to not send them to me.


So why are O2 still sending them to me? this seems to be in breach of The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003.


so do I give O2 yet another chance to put this right or do I report them to the ICO for breaching the regulations.



Message 1 of 19

Not applicable

What a dumb thing to say PapaDug. With email i can choose who i want to block!!!

I get worked up because it interupts work messages i wait to receive on my phone.


I  truly regret having this service!!! Switching soon. bye

Message 11 of 19

Not applicable

Its not dumb at all, you will still receive spam emails every now you get this annoyed over it and change email address every time you receive an email telling you you've won the Nigerian lottery or offering you that "special blue pill"? 


As I said, its also the same as getting junk mail through your letterbox at home. Do you freak out and put your home up for sale wishing you had never moved there or do you just put the junk mail in the bin?


In what way does it interrupt work messages you are waiting to receive? Those work messages will still get to you.


The spam texts are just a surprise bonus to your day from O2 in an almost "Made you look..." type way! Smiley LOL

Message 12 of 19

Not applicable

The annoying thing is when a customer has set all there marketing preferences NOT to be contacted & O2 just ignore it & still send marketing texts.


As for spam emails, I dont get any as the spam filters get rid of them all.



Message 13 of 19

Not applicable

I wouldnt say it was annoying, perhaps midly bothersome, but annoying is a pretty emotional term. Why let a random text get you annoyed?


You never get spam emails? someone who deals with email filters as part of my job I can guarantee you that there isn't a product on the market that blocks all spam emails. You've just been lucky.


But still to be answered...and has been ignored by two posters...what do you do about junk email that you find behind your front door when you get home?

Message 14 of 19

Not applicable

I've texted STOP to all the numbers, changed all my O2 prefernces and now I've left O2 and I still get the priority moments texts. The reason people get worked up about it is that spam is illegal. And when a legitimate company starts sending marketing texts that you've actively opted out of then that becomes spam and is indeed illegal. If all companies acted this way it wouldn't be just the occaisional annoying text to deal with, you'd be harrassed constantly. So O2 need to fix this as at the moment each text they send me (a former customer) is breaking the law. But it still definitely falls under the remit of First World Problems!

Message 15 of 19

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One of the numbers I currently use is ex Voda and they still text me on it now (over 2 years since ported), you would think they would knock numbers off their lists when ported away from the network, but as you say, it's not the end of the world slight_smile
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Message 16 of 19

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As a former customer can you not just add the texts to your block list. Not that it takes anything away from your argument but if it really bothers you... I see your point but I presume your number is still associated somewhere deep in the bowels of O2's aging system and no doubt I will continue to receive them once I leave.

Message 17 of 19

Not applicable

Since porting to O2 approximately 3 months ago, i get at least 1 call/text a day for PPI, loans, iPAD competitions, insurance etc.


Thank god i have now ported to EE where i dont get this bombardment!!

Message 18 of 19

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@Anonymous wrote:

Since porting to O2 approximately 3 months ago, i get at least 1 call/text a day for PPI, loans, iPAD competitions, insurance etc.


Thank god i have now ported to EE where i dont get this bombardment!!

I hope that's the case when my number ports over but no doubt I'll still get them from O2 Smiley Indifferent

Message 19 of 19