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o2 will not unlock my phone

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I have spent the last 2 days trying to get o2 to unlock my iphone 6.  Twice I have managed to speak to someone after 30+ mins on hold each time and having the line cut off whilst on hold 4 times.  The 2nd call I escalated to a senior customer service representative to who insisted I had to get Carphone Warehouse to unlock the phone as I had bought it from them.  He even emailed me confirmation of the phone call.  I spoke to Carphone Warehouse and read out the email and the senior customer service representative said that CPW never ulock phones, it has to be o2.  They said they are just avoiding releasing me from their network.   If I respond to the email from o2 I get a message saying that they have turned off incoming emails and to look online for an answer.  
I will post my email to them in the hope someone can respond, if not I will have to take it to the Ombudsman.
Dear Sir
Further to our conversation this morning where you assured me that because I had bought the handset from Carphone Warehouse, on an o2 contract, I would have to get them to unlock it, Carphone Warehouse insist they do not unlock ANY handsets and it all has to be done by the network provider - ie o2.
This also corresponds with what Apple have told me, who replaced the original handset in 2019 as it was faulty.
I have now spent considerable time on this - probably 6 hours over the last 2 days speaking to numerous people at o2, Carphone Warehouse and Apple.  Everyone points back to o2 as having the responsibility.
The IMEI number of the handset is xxxxx, iPhone 6 Plus, serial number xxxx.
I have attached the receipt for this handset from Apple who replaced the last as faulty and the reciept from yourself for the original phone in 2016.  Apple senior customer service advisor has confirmed that Apple never unlock handsets and that even though they replaced a faulty handset, the original service provider o2 has a legal duty to unlock it and can not withhold the unlocking.
I have included below an email from Shane, senior customer service and customer complaints operator at CPW again pointing the responsibility back at 02.
I have been with o2 for a very many years and I think you will understand that I will not accept being told again that I have to speak to Apple or CPW.
I will take this to senior management at o2, social media and the ombudsman if it is not resolved within 48 hours.


Message 1 of 13

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Hi - is there anyone else at o2 who can contact me and sort this out?  I did get a message from a customer handler but he is now off duty until 8pm tonight.

I do want this resolved today please.

Message 11 of 13

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@O2Lisa ?

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 12 of 13

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Thanks for the tag @MI5 

I will message you privately @customer4 so we can look in to this for yousmiling

My working hours are Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Any messages sent outside these time will be responded to on my return.
Thanks slight_smile

Girl in a jacket
Message 13 of 13