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ims registration

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Still struggling to get wifi calling working. 30 mins on phone with support yesterday but no progress... my wife's identical A40 works fine on EE wifi calling on our home network but mine worked for a couple of months then has refused to pick up O2 wifi calling ever since

Trying to debug this I noticed my Sim info says IMS registration status is "not registered "...

Is this normal? If not what can I do to fix? Phone seems to work ok for calls and data otherwise.
Message 1 of 5

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Hi @jrgloucester 

As you have tried the O2 gurus I will mention @Chris_K  here. He is a member of the social media team and has helped others in the past. Also @Martin-O2 one of our community managers

Neither be on till Monday though so pop back here to check if either has responded.

Best of luck and welcome to the forum Welcome

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 5

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Cheers for the tag on this one @Cleoriff!


@jrgloucester I can get someone to look into this one for you. I'll need some info so I'll send you a message so we can go over things. 

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Message 3 of 5

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Thanks @Martin-O2, PM sent.


For anyone else who has this problem: 


Made a Guru appointment & took the phone to a local store, they confirmed that the problem still occurred on the store wifi network and that everything on the phone and account was set up correctly so wifi calling should have worked.  


We then removed the SIM card and tried it in another phone - rather to our surprise it worked, and wifi calling came on automatically. We then transferred the SIM card back to my original phone, and that also worked OK with wifi calling now on - nothing else was changed.


I then checked the SIM Status again and it now shows "IMS Registered" OK, took it home and it appears to be still working. So maybe taking SIM out and in forces registration?  If it happens again I will try this to see if that fixes it, otherwise will try a SIM swap.


IMHO it looks like somehow the phone lost it's registration on the wifi-calling server(s). Maybe some-one more knowledgeable will know a way of checking/refreshing the registration process.


Unfortunately on the A40 the "switch" to turn wifi calling on and off only seems to appear under "settings" when you have wifi calling active, so you cant use that. I  already tried re-booting and other techniques but no help...



@Martin-O2 wrote:

Cheers for the tag on this one @Cleoriff!


@jrgloucester I can get someone to look into this one for you. I'll need some info so I'll send you a message so we can go over things. 


Message 4 of 5

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Well the plot thickens!  After working fine for a few days I happened to turn my phone off to charge overnight. Next morning re-boot inside the house (where there is no O2 signal to speak of). Phone comes up, connects to wifi but no wifi calling and "IMS Not Registered" again. Unable to make or receive calls.


I try booting outside (where there is a signal), no luck - connects to O2 OK, but when I come back inside and lose the signal to O2 it will not pick up wifi calling.


Then I turn flight mode on, connect to wifi and try and make a call, it seems to somehow force things, wifi call goes through, "IMS Registered" status is resumed.


Definitely something odd here, surely it should pick up and re-register after a re-boot? 



Message 5 of 5