on 20-07-2024 10:57
to whom concern , I have spoken with one of the customer service team and ask to cancel my contract , you supposed to took the payment from my personal account , as I mentioned my business account is closed , as I moved to Poland , and dont need uk nr anymore . Instead od taking money from my personal account, you blocked my access to my nr , i cant even make. a call and make payment , and I am not even recieving the code you are sendong me to get access to my account . Please sort it out the issue asap , as I dont want to pay extra , please contact me on Monday , so I can make the full payment
on 20-07-2024 11:06
You can get in touch with Payment Management team on 0800 902 0217
Payment Management opening hours:
Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pm
Saturday – 8am to 6pm
Sunday – 9am to 6pm
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