on 01-10-2012 21:45
on 01-10-2012 21:45
Hi, ever since I changed from payg to simplicity, I noticed I have been getting charged for mms to the number 000000000001234, does anyone know what this number is or is anyone else having the same problem, I haven't sent anything to this number but I am getting charged.
on 11-02-2013 17:25
on 11-02-2013 17:25
This is from the O2 site:
Charges for sending text/media messages from my mobile
The cost of sending a text message from your mobile will vary according to your tariff. You can find out exactly how much it costs by clicking on the 'Mobile tariffs' link below:
One text message on your mobile is 160 characters long. Some mobiles have the capability to send text up to 480 characters long. You will be charged once for up to 160 characters, twice for 161-320 characters and three times for messages between 321 and 480 characters.
on 11-02-2013 17:27
Right so that's fine if you have enough text allowance it doesn't say anything about mms does it
on 11-02-2013 17:32
on 11-02-2013 17:32
The topic is from this page
The sub topic is
Charges for sending text/media messages from my mobile
It has everything to do with mms
on 11-02-2013 17:36
All I can say I've yet to be charged for sending group texts and if I were I would get a refund from o2 texts are texts I've got unlimited I don't expect to be charged o2 themselves know this is a problem and have been refunding customers
on 11-02-2013 17:48
on 11-02-2013 17:48
on 11-02-2013 18:33
on 11-02-2013 18:33
on 11-02-2013 22:04
on 11-02-2013 22:04
I have had a simular issue and I got a refund from o2.
I have a iphone and send group sms all the time and not once Ive had this issue until Novemeber last year when it started to happen.
O2 on my account advised that I sent 2 MMS, I did send 1 MMS, however 2 showed on my account (1 at a later time). I know that i didnt send that. I know how the iphone works and I watch what i send as well.
When I contacted o2 I asked them to explain to me what 0000000000001234 is. 3 conversations and no one could say. The 35p wasnt the issue, the problem is that i knew that Id not sent it and had know Idea what it was.
I would call them direct as O2 chat just said it was a mobile number or a landline number which i pointed out that no number in the uk nor the world i could see had all them numbers or 0's in.
on 11-02-2013 23:55
on 11-02-2013 23:55
Apparently that's the number recorded when you send a message by email.
on 30-10-2013 14:47
on 30-10-2013 14:47
I have exactly the same problem. This week 3 messages billed to me as MMS with ID of 000000000001234. I ran O2 and was bamboozled with BS about why it might have happened (multi-texting, MMS, social apps updates (I don't use them)) even though I'd only sent 2 plain text messages. Was told to switch off MMS in settings as a work around.
Come on O2 this is a wide problem and you are dodging it with BS from your customer advisors who don't know the answer!!!!
on 30-10-2013 15:25
on 30-10-2013 15:25
Nothing O2 can do, it's your phone doing this, read back up the thread for the solutions.