Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! Why am I charged?

My dad bought me a new phone last year in September on his bank account and I noticed recently that all this time O2 was charging me 49 pounds a month aswell. What should i do?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! pay outstanding bill

i wish to pay an outstanding bill for my wife's mobile ( i normally pay by DD but have cancelled in error ) and i also need a new DD form sending please whats the best way to pay the bill? can i do so online? cheers It looks like you landed on a popu...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Automatic top up question.

So... if starting a new sim with a £10 top up and it compels an 'automatic monthly top up' renewal each month, if I still have say..... £8 on it at the due time at the end of that month... is it going to still want to take another full £10 top up amo...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Swap numbers between 02?

My current 24M contract with 02 is about to end in 2 weeks, I basically wan't to upgrade from my s7 to an s8 but 02's upgrade offers are relatively expensive. I've found a great deal on which is also with 02, I've had no issue's so idea...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Friends and Family discount

I upgraded my phone last week and was billed on the 13th for my new contract as normal with payment due 28th. My friend then got the 50% Friends and Family discount put on my account on the 16th.Will the discount apply retrospectively to the bill on ...

paulbacon by Level 7: Part Timer
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Resolved! Help

How do you put a block on your phone like a cap so you don’t go over your monthly tariff

Phi by Level 1: Joiner
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02 have lost my phone!!

My LG G4 was having a problem with holding it's charge, as it was still in warranty only being owned for less than a year I took it into store. I was told they'd send it off the next day as it was a sunday, which was fine. The woman told me that it'd...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Phone Records for Visa Application

Afternoon, For my australian Visa my partner and I have been requested to provide record showing calls to each other as additional evidence of our relationship. How do I go about finding/sourcing this?Thanks

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Broken s8 and bad customer service!

Hi my phone is 31 days old and it will not fast charge or even charge on a slow one, 10 hours gets me to 81%. I have returned it to my local Warrington branch to be told samsungs take a long time to charge!!! And i am 1 day over the 30 day returns po...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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