Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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O2 £595 deposit still not refunded on 4th bill?

I was told it would be refunded after 3 months so immediately after paying off my 3rd bill early last month I contacted O2 asking when my deposit will be back and they said it should appear as credit on your account when your 4th bill is generated. W...

maxwilkes by Level 1: Joiner
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Upgraded my O2 Refresh

Don't know if anyone can help me upgraded my O2 Refresh Plan on Sat 19th at the O2 store in Sutton just as the lockdown kicked in got the 12 Pro Max got the lady to do a sim swop on a 5g sim card numerous phone calls shows I've paid the upfront cost ...

GrantJohn by Level 1: Joiner
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New contract

Hi all. I've just started upgraded my phone/plan whilst there was a good sale on the iPhone 12. They were offering 6 months free airtime. I ordered it yesterday, and I've already started the new airtime contract. However it looks like the full airtim...

Alexm123 by Level 1: Joiner
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URGENT help required.

Dear whom it may concern, I got a email from O2 customer care today about overdue payment with phone bill.However, this is not about the overdue, there is something definitely wrong with the O2 system with my previous O2 phone. I've moved out of Lond...

Phone upgrade

I chose to upgrade on the 17th November and I have not heard a thing since! The app and website takes me around In circles and tells me the same thing over and over to basically wait and I will be told when it’s on it’s way! I’m extremely frustrated ...

Liltinks by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Voucher code not working

About to buy iPhone but voucher code “xxxxxxxx” didn’t work? [mod edit: please do not post personal information on the public board. Thanks!]

CFH88 by Level 1: Joiner
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Waiting for a refund

So, early November 2020 I upgraded my phone to a Huawei P40 pro.I paid £400 up front and 3 days later I paid off the full ammount with a £499 paymentFabulous phone, but wouldn't run loads of apps that I need, especially the NHS track & trace app.So i...

Resolved! 4g but v poor signal though no problems reported

I just moved house into CA118RU. My phone isn’t downloading anything fully and texts coming later if at all, but phone says I have 4g and often 4 bars. O2 say no signal problems here. My husbands phone works fine

Resolved! Bolt on

I want to pay for a bolt on I used now

Yinka by Level 1: Joiner
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