on 06-07-2024 13:36
Yesterday I set auto top-up for the 26th of every month. However, system took £10 off yesterday.
Почему система сняла средства вчера, а не 26го?
on 06-07-2024 13:39
Duplicate https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Pay-Monthly/Wrong-auto-top-up/m-p/1731945#M278840
on 06-07-2024 14:12
on 06-07-2024 14:12
It's not a duplicate. It's two people having two problems ))
on 06-07-2024 14:15
Yeah right. 🙄
on 06-07-2024 22:35
on 06-07-2024 22:35
@Nick_Nikon wrote:It's not a duplicate. It's two people having two problems ))
With a third person involved and answering for the two differently-named accounts and almost identical queries...?
on 06-07-2024 22:59
Suspect incoming russiam spam.
Any one for new shoes ????
on 06-07-2024 23:13
on 06-07-2024 23:13