on 15-10-2014 12:18
on 15-10-2014 12:18
Since I came back to O2 from Vodafone, and started using an iPhone 5S, I have regularly only used about 50 to 60% of my data allowance of 2gb every month....
This month I had used it all way too early and then today the 500mb bolt-on had been eaten up. My browsing habits haven't changed significantly and so I am concerned that I have gone from 1.5gb to 2.5gb consumption.
At home the phone is on BT wifi.
Is there a way I can see where it has gone? A spike in usage like this causes alarm bells to start ringing.
on 15-10-2014 13:45
on 15-10-2014 13:45
on 16-10-2014 00:51