on 16-12-2019 22:33
on 16-12-2019 22:45
It can't be done without speaking to customer service and going through the security questions.
on 16-12-2019 23:00
on 16-12-2019 23:00
@Renan See this link: https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/How-to-Guides/Lost-or-Stolen-O2-Device-How-to-Report-it/ba-p/1023988
The lost/stolen option is available 24/7. They obviously have the ability to block a phone. Whether they can unblock it at this time of night is the question you need to ask. Even if they can, it may take 24 hrs for the system to update.
on 16-12-2019 23:04
on 16-12-2019 23:04
on 16-12-2019 23:11
on 16-12-2019 23:11
on 16-12-2019 23:15
on 16-12-2019 23:15
Yes there isn't a hope of that. Perhaps the OP needs to borrow a phone if they need to use one.