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Ripped off

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Anyone else experienced o2 taking advantage of pensioners. Contract started june 2013 ended june 2015. Oh and in 2019 after checking your parent's contract after a high bill find o2 are still charging for a phone along with just 750mbs on 3g for £20 a month. In questioning o2 advise that you should change contract yourself. No paper billing and not understanding onlineligin means they have full access to abuse the un technical minded. Not wanting to have the need to hold the hand of the elderly to make them feel useless you hope large corporate companies like o2 act on what they preach.
Check out the 2017 social network post. "We dont rip off our customers like other providers by charging for mobile phones paid off after 2 years. Shocking service and their replies have been taken to omnibus along with spread far and wide.
Rip off uk pensioners
Message 1 of 10

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Contracts complete a minimum term, not "end"

It is the responsibility of the customer to check and select the most suitable tariff for their needs.

This is all explained in the T&C's and when the contract was taken out.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 2 of 10

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Your Minimum Period - Your Pay Monthly Mobile Agreement has a minimum term called a Minimum Period. After that Minimum Period, you can end the Agreement by giving us 30 days' Notice

Message 3 of 10

Level 43: Bright Spark
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First off @Pensioner let me say, having read your comments on O2 ripping off pensioners, that I am a 73 year old pensioner who has had a pay monthly contract with O2 for 6 1/2 years. In that time O2 have never ripped me off. And yes I am "technically minded", though no tech wiz, like a number of our other members, 2 of whom have already responded, correctly I might add, to your post.


However, knowing when your contract ends if you are on a standard, not refresh, contract has nothing to do with lack of technical savvy nor is knowing that being on a standard contract means it is up to you to give 30 days notice a month before the contract ends. It's a simple case of reading and understanding the contract T&Cs, preferably before, not after, signing the contract. If you don't do that, whatever your age, then it's hardly O2's fault and they can't be accused of ripping you off. Your mistake, your fault. 


If your parents didn't read the contract, including the T&Cs, prior to signing that is down to them not O2. If they didn't understand what "minimum term" actually meant, they should have asked before they signed; again down to them not O2.


While I have no problem admitting when O2 is wrong, and have done so on many occasions, in this instance they are not at fault. And I think it's unfair to accuse them of ripping your parents off because they are pensioners. O2 cannot be held accountable for a customer's lack of knowledge about a contract they willingly sign, when they are given the opportunity of reading all details of that contract, including the T&Cs before signing. 


However, if you are saying your parents were pressured into signing the contract without being able to read it properly that is a totally different story entirely. Are you saying that @Pensioner?

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 4 of 10

Level 67: Unsung hero
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Just to add, if "you" (or they) are still paying for a phone as well as the tariff more than four years after the contract "ended" (ie, you have completed the minimum term) then it would have originally been signed with a 3rd party and not o2 directly.
In which case, you should actually direct your ire towards the people who got you to sign the contract!

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 5 of 10

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@Pensioner everyone needs to check regularly their status with either the customer services by phoning them or at their Myo2 account which a trusted person could check for them. A member of my family decided to go PAYGO with o2 and I have to say o2 procedures are fantastic. To check the status is simple they present the status quickly after a call. A suitable unlocked mobile phone purchased outright the set up was easy and happy. The costs of data and calls are very reasonable.
Just because you're a pensioner doesn't mean that you're incapable and the pensioners in my family object to that observation. There are many ways to deal with issues and keep on top of your responsibilities.


Message 6 of 10

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As I am a pensioner, I feel I have to add something to this thread. I was in full possession of the facts when I took out my first 2 year contract with O2. At the end of 2 years the phone was mine and I was able to change to a 12 month sim only contract.

I know exactly when the 12 months are up and although I have bought subsequent phones outright, I remain on a sim only contract. I look for better deals and choose the one I want.

O2 have never ripped me off.

I suggest your parents would be better with PAYG @Pensioner 

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 10

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All the posters here make valid points. No one criticises O2 more than myself when I think they are in the wrong. But... the title of this thread should be amended, no one has been ripped off at all though if its a lesson for everyone to always check the small print. A expensive lesson especially when it's gone a ridiculous amount of time unnoticed.

Message 8 of 10

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Well aren't you a clever person. 👏👏👏👏
Message 9 of 10

Level 13: Prompter
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Omnibus? You informed a series BBC finished in 2003? 16 years ago!
You really need to update on everything.
Pensioners are bungy jumping and wing walking nowadays.

Message 10 of 10