on 28-12-2023 08:24
I keep getting contacted to pay my phone bill despite having already having made the payment and been charged for it!
I would like to add a photo as proof of payment but it doesn't seem to be working.
All the best,
on 28-12-2023 08:45
Nobody here would be able to help even if you had uploaded a photo of your bill receipt, we cannot access accounts and O2 do not monitor the forum regularly. A search of the forum would show that there have been some problems with O2's automated collection of monies from subscribers' accounts starting on 20-Dec-2023, @jsc1999 - if you want to check for sure, call O2 on 202 or via the Payment management number - 0800 902 0217. Good luck!
on 29-12-2023 11:02
Before contacting O2, can I suggest that you contact your bank and request the unique transaction identification number for the payment ?
If the payment has not been credited to your account in O2's records, it has either been allocated to a suspense or unidentified remittances account, or to the account on another customer. O2 will need the unique transaction identification number so as to find your payment and to allocate it to your account.