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O2 price rise

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Nice one O2, so all your pre january customers can go blow but any new customers are protected by the Ofcom ruling? I've had two contract phones with you for years but you really know how to (edited) on people! Last time I'll bother with your service and I'll cancel asap.

Hope you enjoy the extra couple of percent you get from me (for now)


Extremely annoyed customer



Message 1 of 58

Not applicable
It is true that o2 retentions are receiving a much higher call volume than usual. However I rung CS the other evening and they answered in about 4 minutes so I think it just just be retentions?
Message 51 of 58

Not applicable

Well that is the final straw for me now, especially the e-mails saying about "Improving my Digital Experience", in the village I live in coverage is poor and you can forget a decent 3g speed!


Where I work in a major town at my desk 3g is poor, we did a test the other day a colleague is on the 3 network and we ran using 3g he got a tad shy of 20mb/s I got 0.03mb/s download which is dial up modem speed. There is a mobile phone tower 200 metres away so I went outside and it returned 4MB/s download still a long way off what my colleagues phone got. Another colleagues also tried the test on the orange network and he go a respectable speed as well!


What grates me even more is that new contracts for new phone don't reflect last years price increases and suspect they won't this years i.e. £32 per month contract which is what I was on! I naively assumed the £32 would be until the contract ended but then like others didn't read the small print!


I can upgrade in March and my contract ends in June, I will see how much it will be to get out of my contract in March!!!


I use to love O2 and had homephone/broadband and mobile with them a couple of years ago but stopped the homephone/broadband when I moved because they made such a c*ck up of transferring it not to mention the free 3G modem USB dongle they were going to send me that never turned up (just as well as it wouldn't of worked anyway although they were convinced otherwise!)!

Message 52 of 58

Not applicable

well o2 need make money somewhere,


i be with o2 most over 5 year best network, best customer, alway offer customer good deal so yes, i agree that o2 put price up 

Message 53 of 58

Level 4: Observant
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Not out of our hides they shouldn't. not out of loyal customers like myself. I've been with them nigh on 15 years and they're not too bad. Can't say they offer good deals though.
Message 54 of 58

Level 94: Supreme
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I'm happy with my deal. If I wasn't I'd go somewhere I was happy.
No one likes a price rise but gotta be realistic and expect it - Prices can't stay the same for ever..... 😞
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 55 of 58

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Well I've finally left O2 today. I complained about the price rise. I was offered a new "deal" which was twice what I was paying now! With O2's current signal issues and poor customer service I'm glad to have left & am paying less with my new provider and can actually get signal at my workplace after 5 months!
Message 56 of 58

Not applicable

Thank you for updating.

I hope you get all that you want from your newly chosen network.

Take care.
Message 57 of 58

Not applicable
As with all networks we have a choice and it sounds like (for you) you have made a good choice.

Signal and deals change from time to time and you have to do what is right for you. As BoB said, Thank you for the update.
Message 58 of 58