on 23-11-2014 19:13
on 23-11-2014 19:13
on 23-11-2014 19:34
on 23-11-2014 19:36
What is your phone type and which method are using to connect to the router? Perhaps someone from the IT department can help you.
I'm just looking at my Android and it comes with a plethora of options. I really don't understand how O2 can be in control of ports outside it's network.
Correct me if I'm wrong, it won't be the last time.
on 24-11-2014 07:02
on 25-11-2014 20:26
on 25-11-2014 20:26
OK that's understood. Maybe O2 block the use of that port on their network afterall. As a business user you should be able to enable it on your account surely.