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O2 Destroyed my life "Refresh" beware

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Firstly I've being with O2 for years and also worked indirectly for them as well though CPW so I've an understanding of the company and unfortunately a bit of complacency as well. Apart from the occasional hiccup (every day in our case, Newry store) all was good, average coverage and a bit of discount fair play!


So in June (16/06/2013) I upgraded my contract to get a iPhone 5 on the new 'Refresh' contract and it was a pretty painless process, or so I thought at the time. I signed both parts of the contract, both the Service Change and the Fixed Sum Loan made sure my direct debit details were correct and left the store happy with a new iPhone 5... Or so it seemed.


In the meanwhile we were applying for a mortgage as I preliminary sought to buy a house with my partner and our 3 month old son, went into the bank and it was all preapproved which was great as we were paying a good bit in rent and wanted a place of our own.


Next thing, I receive though the door is a "DEFAULT NOTICE" in July from O2 stating I was in breach as I had failed to pay the £15 under my credit agreement, now there was money in my account and O2 took £17 for the Airtime Bill but they never attempted to take the £15 for the phone Plan and there was money in the account to cover this.


I rang up O2 straight away who advised me that the payment wasn't due to come out of my account yet and that "there was a mistake with the system" I paid the £15 anyway and they advised me that they placed a mark on my credit file which they said they would take off straight away. Guess what? It's still there.


Also the mortgage that was preapproved has now being put on hold due to O2's blemish on my Credit file leaving me £500 out of pocket by having me extend my rent for another month so we had somewhere to live. The bank were understanding and said that once O2 lifted it everything could go ahead, so I though that it would be sorted and sure 'accidents happen'.


Roll on August, a month I thought we'd get the mortgage approved and own our new home, and O2 decided that yet again their not going to try and take the money out of my account but instead they'd leave another mark on my credit file and block my account...


So I phoned up the great customer service and got passed between three people who finally advised me that the department I needed to call only worked 9-5pm and that they were closed Monday then hung up on me! Great craic, so now I supposively owe O2 money which they never attempted to take out but now I've being refused a mortgage and I'm another £500 out of pocket due to O2's incompetence!




Now, unable to contact O2 and get a proper response I've turned to the good people of the Internet not just to warn you about O2 (most of the time they get it right) but also to find out if there are other people out there who've had similar issues with O2 Refresh?


I am well over £1000 out of pocket, had my credit rating destroyed without any warning and no one from O2 can tell me why! Even though everything at my end has being completed perfectly.



I'd also like to point out that the Mobile Phone companies are not regulated by the Consumer Act 1974 and therefore are not required by law to send an official default or missed payment warning letter. However, therewasanofficialcontractinplacebetweenO2andmyselfandthisthereforeiscoveredbyContractLaw. Clearlytherewasa 'breachofcontract' andthereforeO2waslawfullyobligedtosendnoticeofthisbreach, andtohavegivenareasonableamountoftimeforthebreachtoberemedied. Whichtheydoneneitherof!


I'll happily keep paying my phone plan, or pay it off but I want all my O2 airtime contracts cancelled as compensation as I don't trust this company with the way it handles my details or the way it conducts its business!


Kind Regards,




Message 1 of 3

Accepted Solutions

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Good Evening.



Im sorry to read your post which seems is not the first with this kind of issue.


I'm assuming you have made this official through 02's complaint procedure.


Lets hope the repsonse which should be within 7 days put this to bed for you.


Just in case here is the link :,KB=Companion,question=ref%28user%29:str%28Rel...


You can challenge the default.



Links that may be of interest.,Kb=Companion,question=ref%28User%29:str%28Mob...


I hope you get a reasonable outcome soon and have this resolved asap, so you can get back to your life.

View solution in original post

Message 2 of 3

Not applicable

Good Evening.



Im sorry to read your post which seems is not the first with this kind of issue.


I'm assuming you have made this official through 02's complaint procedure.


Lets hope the repsonse which should be within 7 days put this to bed for you.


Just in case here is the link :,KB=Companion,question=ref%28user%29:str%28Rel...


You can challenge the default.



Links that may be of interest.,Kb=Companion,question=ref%28User%29:str%28Mob...


I hope you get a reasonable outcome soon and have this resolved asap, so you can get back to your life.

Message 2 of 3

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O2 are regulated as it is a consumer credit agreement section 22.1

iPhone 11 Pro 256gb on unlimited data
iPad Pro 12.9” 2020 256gb refresh o2 family discount
Apple Watch series 4
My first mobile was in 1995 a CM-R111 from sony on Cellnet.
Wincanton South Somerset (Full 4g 3G 2g indoor coverage) Remember we are all customers here not customer services

Message 3 of 3