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The following method will work on any O2 mobile and means you can control the time interval before a call goes to Voicemail.
Enter the following into your keypad as though you were just making a call :
**61*901*11*30# then simply press 'call'.
please note 30 is the time in seconds before voicemail kicks in and can be set in increments of 5 ie. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 to a maximum of 30 seconds. (also see video)
If this doesn't do the trick try turning off WiFi and changing the setting network type to 2G only.
Alternatively, you can switch voicemail off completely by calling 1760 from your mobile when you know you will be available to answer calls. Switch on again when needed by calling 1750.
More info on Voicemail here : Using Voicemail | Support | O2
Just a tip : To avoid charges when travelling overseas switch off voicemail before you go as you cannot do so once you have left the UK
Solved! Go to Solution.
on โ15-12-2017 13:45
on โ15-12-2017 13:45
on โ15-12-2017 13:48
on โ15-12-2017 13:48
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on โ15-12-2017 13:53
on โ15-12-2017 14:06
on โ15-12-2017 14:06
on โ17-04-2018 16:12
Thanks that's great it worked !
on โ17-04-2018 17:01
on โ17-04-2018 17:01
@Craig1961 wrote:Thanks that's great it worked !
Happy to help @Craig1961
Your original post here if you wish to update that too https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Pay-Monthly/Voice-mail-number-of-rings-before-it-comes-in/td-p/1119236
on โ27-04-2018 13:10
on โ27-04-2018 13:10
Oh thank you very muchly - this was very helpful indeed Fatboy.
I tried ringing **61*901*11*30# from my O2 bought Google Pixel phone on numerous occasions and always got
Connection problem or invalid MMI code.
So I tried this fandangle method of *#61# and collecting the phone number etc. and it worked!
Then strangely I tried **61*901*11*30# again, and it now works. Whaddyaknow - perhaps your method has kickstarted the MMI into action.
Solved for me - and beats dealing with Customer Service. Brilliant - I can now answer the phone!
on โ27-04-2018 15:05
on โ27-04-2018 15:05
Good that you got it sorted ๐
on โ07-02-2019 20:22
I dialled the stars and numbers and dialled, and it then said call forwarding has been activated, I'm using a oneplus 5T, incase that helps
on โ07-02-2019 20:37
on โ07-02-2019 20:37
@stephen1 wrote:I dialled the stars and numbers and dialled, and it then said call forwarding has been activated, I'm using a oneplus 5T, incase that helps
That's the correct response, if that's what you're asking?