on 31-07-2024 19:04
31-07-2024 19:26 - edited 31-07-2024 19:33
31-07-2024 19:26 - edited 31-07-2024 19:33
Standard rates
Making calls | £2/min |
Receiving calls | £2/min |
Sending texts | 50p/text |
Using data | £7.20/MB |
If you’re on our new billing system, you’ll be able to buy one of our data roaming bundles. We’ll send you a link when you land, or you can buy one in My O2 before you travel.
100MB | £18 |
500MB | £26 |
1GB | £45 |
on 31-07-2024 21:07
Buy a data roaming bundle when you land?
Ridiculously expensive and not value for money!
on 31-07-2024 21:15
Totally agree.
The other options are cheaper or maybe free depending on tariff, which we cannot know.