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Age confirmation

Not applicable

"You've got to be over 18 for this website."

Probably the most annoying "security feature".


Why don't you just check/confirm it by looking at my profile ?




Message 1 of 39

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Any thoughts on this subject from @Toby or @Anonymous ?

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Message 31 of 39

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Hi guys,

I have applied for the Ts & Cs to be amended, as the 'young' forum never materialised as some have mentioned above. I also think that the over-18 point may be an older one and I'm more than happy to talk to O2 about changing the condition to allow younger members to join here. There are of course many different factors to consider before I can just confirm this to be possible, but if we can allow more people to enjoy the community, it seems like a good idea of course slight_smile
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Message 32 of 39

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Thanks @Toby 

I hope common sense prevails with O2. 

I would willingly act as 'advocate' for any of my family members who are below the age of 18 and wanted to join the forum slight_smile

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 33 of 39

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I hope something comes of this and I'm sure most members will support and help out as and where needed.

Message 34 of 39

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It makes perfect sense these days.
My kids know more about tech than I ever did at their age (well a ZX Spectrum wasn't too difficult to master) slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 35 of 39

Not applicable

First of all, thank you for your replies.


Now, before putting my trust on this type of security feature I would have to ask myself a simple question: How well does it protect ? Can I really feel safe knowing my kids surf "the holy" internet all day everyday ?


Out of pure curiousity let us test and see how well it actually works. Ok, 99%(or even 100%) of Adult sites seem to be blocked which is nice and there is a team responsible for tracking down new sites and adding them to the blacklist which is also reassuring. So, are there any flaws ? Let us try and think how a child would first try to access the adult material. Most of you will probably agree that the very first thing a youngster would try doing is using a search engine like Google. And here you go, you can access any kind of images including the "adults only" ones through google images gallery. Pages and pages of images of any keyword you search for. So there seems to be a limit. 

When you think about it, it would be just too much blocking search engines, so it is left there for everyone to enjoy.



This entire approach feels like it wasn't fully worked out. Why not look at many other protection solutions out there ? For example, broadband service providers have an option called Parental Controls, where an adult can control the way kids surf the net.

Furthermore, let us say a father got 3 contracts: 1 for himself and the other 2 for his kids. Wouldn't it be better if there was an option to put those 3 contracts under 1 main account that could only be accessed by father and not the kids.

Add some functions like:

 - Control mobile data usage

 - Create a schedule when to allow mobile surfing and when to not

 - Allow to surf only specific web pages

 - Keep a log of every site visited

etc etc.. 


All in all, I don't really see a reason why it should be provider's responsibility to protect the youngsters from all the nasty stuff out there. I strongly believe it is a parent job and the only help from provider's side should be making parents aware of the situation and suggesting a list of possible protective actions that a could be taken.(leaflet maybe ?)


But in the end, everything I wrote above is just my opinion and maybe I am totally wrong and missing some major points. I hope my post makes sense, if not.. I'll be hiding under a big pile of embarrassment.


Cheers !

Message 36 of 39

Not applicable

You're very entitled to your opinion on this emotive subject regarding what's available on the net and on how both the Mobile Networks and ISP providers are doing what they can to limit what can be viewed regarding both pornography wise and also sites such as gambling ones.

As a parent myself I'm more than happy for these providers to try and implement safe guards.

Yes I also agree it's also the responsibility of parents to talk to their children to guide them ,but inquisitiveness is always going to play a part.

Take care.
Message 37 of 39

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Hi @Anonymous  and welcome back:smileywink:


It seems a long time since we had this debate and we all had our own opinions on the subject (as you would see if you read back)

Whilst I agree that the majority of responsibility does lie with parents, I feel nowadays with everything children can access, then companies do play a massive part in implementing safeguard controls.


I personally, worry far more about my grandchildren, than ever I did with my own sons.


They are accessing computers, laptops and smartphones at a much earlier age.....

You mention about a family type contract in relation to phones etc. Vodaphone are already doing this  with their RED plan... as indeed are a couple of other providers...


Anyway... I would like to thank you for raising all this. It opened up another debate about children being able to access this forum before they are 18 (the current age limit)

Something I feel strongly about.... as my 15 year old grandson knows more about smartphones than any of his parents /grandparents and would love to be a member of the forum.

The good thing now is, as a result of this debate, the age limit will be looked at again..hopefully soon ...:smileyhappy:


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 38 of 39

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how do I show you my id

Message 39 of 39