on 15-05-2013 21:42
on 15-05-2013 21:42
I've just noticed that access to the BT WiFi network is to end in July. I've just taken out a 2 year contract & this unlimited access was one of the factors which decided the deal for me - does anybody think I'll get any redress?
on 15-05-2013 22:12
on 15-05-2013 22:12
Do you have a link to where you have seen this?
on 15-05-2013 22:49
on 15-05-2013 23:15
on 15-05-2013 23:15
Well spotted that was well hidden away, I guess as they are expanding their own wi-fi they're giving up on the BT service.
How will this affect you, difficult to say, it might be worth having a word with O2 but they may just say you can use theirs instead.
It won't be as large a network as the BT one though.
on 16-05-2013 08:37
on 16-05-2013 08:37
on 16-05-2013 17:08
on 16-05-2013 17:35
Well, they appear to have changed the page...
Wonder why?
on 16-05-2013 18:05
on 16-05-2013 18:05
I guess it was released too early and has been removed, it does happen on this site.
on 16-05-2013 18:07
on 16-05-2013 18:08
on 16-05-2013 18:08