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2+ months no refund

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At the end of April I was charged £148, when my daughters bill is £27.

Initially, I was told that I would receive £198.91 as I had been charged too much from the previous month also and funds would hit my bank account in 24hrs.

24hrs later no money, I chased it and was basically told that I had made it all up, I was questioned where I had got that amount from.

I asked to speak to a manger and specifically asked them to call my number not my daughters. They didn’t listen and called my daughters phone when she wasn’t with me! 
going weeks calling being promised phone calls back to sort the situation, being promised to be called by 12am the previous morning, staying  up waiting, although I suffer from epilepsy and need 8hours sleep, days later I was finally put through to someone who told me I had to wait for my phone bill to be credited on the 14th May, it would then be credited to my bank account the following week + £50 gesture of good will. I patiently waited and was happy it was finally resolved… how niave I was! I called on the 16th May to be told no one had credited the account and that I would have to wait until 14th June for the funds to be credited again and then wait by 21st June for it to hit my bank account. I made it very clear that I wasn’t in a position for this to happen as I am a hard working single parent struggling to make ends meet as it is with the cost of living increasing. A manger called Abishek promised me I would have a phone call within 24-48hrs from the complaints department as there was a way the complaints team might be able to transfer sooner… I’m still waiting, well over 48 hours, but again was given a £50 gesture of goodwill totalling now £298.91. I budget very tightly as you can imagine and this ordeal has left me stressed, depressed and resulted in me having to use a food bank to feed myself and my beautiful daughter, I have never been so embarrassed! I hate this company and have asked for GDPR for all the recordings so I can take legal advice/action! Not once has anyone given me anything… o2 you have failed me in ways you will never be able to understand! I just want my money and want to leave your financially abusive, abhorrent service. Advice to you all out there, leave ASAP!!! 

Message 1 of 7

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Sounds like you need help from one of our account advisors @LukeW_9124 

I'll ask @O2Lisa to see if she can assist in the morning.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 2 of 7

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Morning all, thanks for the tag @MI5 

@LukeW_9124 Sorry about this, I'll message you privately and look in to this for you. 

My working hours are Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Any messages sent outside these time will be responded to on my return.
Thanks slight_smile

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 7

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Thank you, if there is any help you can give me it would be greatly appreciated as trying to get help through customer service or management has been impossible! If you could contact me via my number ending in 846  not my daughters phone ending in 733. Thank you.

Message 4 of 7

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Lisa will message you via this forum @LukeW_9124 

Once you login, there is a message icon in the top right of the screen. It will have a number in front of it if you have messages.

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 5 of 7

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Update to scenario:

This is the saddest thing about the communication with o2: 

Firstly, the issue began at the end of April I had already waited for the 14th May nothing happened!


Secondly, I was promised a call back from the complainants department where they could be able to put money in my account sooner + further compensation for the ordeal I have had to put up with (120 business hours later/ 1 whole week later still no call)

Thirdly, Friday 20th May I was given a further £50 amounting to £298.91 obviously that hasn’t been put on the system because I’m being told the £248.91 is only visible.

Finally, I have requested under UK legislation my GDPR including all recordings and emails so that I may take legal advice and action, I am yet to receive anything. Is o2 following changes to GDPR? 


The shambles of a company, o2, is now asking for me to be patient and wait another month. How is this fair or right? 

Message 6 of 7

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Message 7 of 7