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02 -Worst customer service ever! months of problems been cut off 5 times and no one will help me!

Not applicable

PLEASE can some one help me I am absolutely desperate!


I have AGAIN no service and I am asking someone NOW to look at as I have experienced months and months of inexcusable problems from O2.


Re:  Account Number:

Orriginal Sim number before it was changed:

IMEI number


Billing account 

This needs to be resolved within 24 hours!

My Mobile Number ending in 222

Sunday, 28 August 2016 13:36 it all started in the O2 store Northampton
This has to be one of the biggest complaints O2 have ever seen! And it is getting bigger by every day.  Months of incompetency, inconvenience, stress, wasted time to hundreds of Os customer services representatives and my phone has just been cut off for the 4th time!
Due to a marriage break up I came out of a business contract with O2  & I bought a phone with an O2 contract; I have a disability so I purchased at the time a silver number to help me remember my new mobile. I was told it would be activated in 24 hours.  It wasn’t The transaction reference supplied for the silver number was.

Some days later my phone was still not active with the silver number that I had purchased & was without a phone for weeks trying to get it sorted out.  It transpired that the sliver umber O2 sold me in the Os store in August a did not exist. My phone was cut off (first time)
I rang O2 about 40 times spent over 15 extremely frustrating hours on the phone to them from either a landline or my daughters phone – I was crying, stressed, anxious and afraid as I needed a phone more than ever as I was going through a very difficult divorce and also an employment tribunal.  I did explain this to the customer service representatives I spoke to and I explained how urgent it was that I had phone service.
Every day I was telling ringing O2 & my story to dozens of O2 representatives al over the world! Over and over and over again!
Eventually I was given another silver number – I waited to be connected. I was told it would be activated in 24 hours…… It was a long wait! Some weeks later I was still waiting.  To my horror on one of my conversations with O2 I was informed that this new silver number did not exist either! And no body at O2 had realised it.  If I had not rung they would have never have known.
O2 re activated the original sim number (temp. measure) which I had purchased from the phone in August but as I had had all my stationary changed to my new silver number which I bought in good faith and informed all my phone contacts that I had changed my number I nobody could contact me.
Over the next few weeks I rang O2 a further 20 – 30 times from my phone with a different number that I was calling to complain about (which caused mahusive confusion to all O2 personnel in call centres all over the world) I used my daughters phone! Etc to TRY and speak to some one to help me! I was getting desperate!
I was promised numerous call-backs and help – BUT O2 customer services NEVER called me back. I was told over and over again by O2 staff that there understood my problem I would be told “would definitely get fixed” and they were “very sorry” and they “would call me back” but I got nothing but Zero help, and I still was without a phone some months later.
This caused my untold inconvenience and I was not only going through a divorce I was in the middle of an employment tribunal and I missed vital legal dead lines, as I was un-contactable.  I was becoming furious with the utter incompactness of O2
O2 eventfully re connected me with my original umber that I bought from the O2 store randomly for a week only and when I called to get an update the Os customer service rep told me that she would activate the new silver number and cut me off straight away – made the sim I was using useless and did not connect me to any other number!  I was disconnected – no O2 service what so ever for days! (Second time)
I was furious! At the worst time in my life and I needed a phone I was completely un-contactable!

Compensation given 

Eventually after days and days of calls emails promised call-backs I spoke to ********!!! Very senior manager in O2.  He was ‘appalled’ at the terrible service’ I had received from O2 and agreed to compensate me.  We negotiated an
*1) An upgrade from the silver number that I had already paid for to a platinum number free of charge
*2) 6 months line rental.
I was a happy with this and he promised me I would have no more problems and he would personally keep an eye on my account to ensure that I would have not more problems with my O2 service

I have now had more problems with the compensation that I was given due to the succession of O2 errors that I had with the initial errors in the first place!

  Email from O2: Your bill for 28/09/16 is now ready. Your Airtime Plan this month is £516.00, and your Device Plan payment is £15.00. These payments will be taken from your account on, or just after the date on your payment schedule. They might appear as separate amounts on your bank statement.  

******** upgraded me to a platinum number ending in 666 but when I realised the religious significance of it I called O2 back immediately and requested a change.  That change was agreed.
I was still without a phone – days and days went by – you can see on my notes how many times I called
The platinum number I was given I found out after 20 – 30 more calls to O2 was not available and I asked for ******** to call me back on 15 occasions and he did not!
Eventually he did and explained that as I did not accept the number ending in 666 my new chosen platinum number was never authorised – I was cut off again (3rd time)
Eventually in September almost 2 months later Os managed to give me a number and activate it so I changed all my stationary and informed all my friends.
******** colleague then called me in a panic and informed me that ******** had made an oversight and not cancelled the bill to the platinum number he had given me for free as compensation and I would be billed over £500 and it would come out of my account if I did not immediately go home and cancel my direct debit. So I rushed home and cancelled it on his instruction.
As I had no money in my account and if O2 took that large amount out of my account I would be overdrawn so I rushed home and cancelled my direct debit as instructed **********.

2 weeks later I received emails informing me that I still owed this sum to O2 – I rang O2 over and over and over and over again and informed me that I was instructed by O2 ******** NOT to pay this as the bill was issued in error! I was told it would all be sorted and my service would not be terminated.
I woke up one day and found that I had been cut off (fourth time) I was absolutely furious! I had no phone due to yet another one of O2 errors.
I rang up and spoke top yet another!!!! Os rep – I explained AGAIN my LONG and COMPLICATED story to her and she promised me she would sort it out and get ********* to email me and get this ridiculous ongoing problem sorted!
I requested that this problem was escalated to the complaints department and she promised me faithfully that she would personally escalate it to the complaints department – they would listen to all my hundreds of phone call to O2 (AKA cries for help) and I would be reconnected and the complaints department would look in to it and make absolutely sure I encountered NO more problems!

My phone was reconnected and I heard nothing from *********. And the complaints department never called.  I was hoping beyond hope that I would have no more problems with O2 but I was gravely disappointed
A few days ago I was sent more emails from O2 saying that I had a bill overdue the £555.80 for the free platinum upgrade and the line rental – which I was also not liable for and I was being charged interest and if I did not pay I would be cut off!  As ********* had given me 6 months of line rental in the compensation deal.

  The problem had STILL not been solved! Hello   
  Your bill for 28/10/16 is now ready.   
  Your Airtime Plan this month is £555.80, and your Device Plan payment is £15.00.   
  Please arrange to pay within 14 days.  

I called as) s rep on Friday spoke to a lady from South Africa who promised faithfully that I would not be cut off and Mike smith would call me and she would personally oversee it and would call me on the 14thNovember.
None of this happened and last night I was cut off again!

I am absolutely furious

My previous number was ********** and as you can see I was in a contract with my family and we have spent thousands of pounds with O2
The service I have had has been lass than abysmal and I must have now spent 7- - 80 hours on hold or explaining my story to over 70 – 80 customer service personal who promised to help me, call me back and take ownership of my problems.
So over 4 months later 5 different phone numbers!  2 numbers of which never existed and I was sold them incorrectly by O2 I was compensated for their huge catalogue of errors – but I have not had more problems with the compensation that I WAS GIVEN BY ******* ever I have been cut off.
I have NO service and I am requesting that some one senior call me TODAY and let me know how this complaint will be handled and how I will get my service back AND what you might consider compensation for the compensation disasters that I was given due to) 2’s original catalogue of mistakes.


I'm begging you - can some one help me!



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You actually need to copy and paste that and send it to the complaints dept in the link below. My Care email you but any response will be unanswered .

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