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Please dont be mean. Need to put money on phone, critical. Catagelophobic

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I have a dilemma. I have an o2 pay as you go simcard and it is linked to an email address which is the default for my mobile phone and google play store. (Its not the email i used to register for this username so am a little upset you dont have payg support-my life by that and needing to register here to get this sorted in years to come and backlooking may look a little more awkward as ive tied something else to this situation regarding email addresses when shouldnt have needed to.)Google or somebody not myself logged me out of my phone and the password i have is not working. It appears only link i can use to access it is my o2 telephone number for verification as i have tried google recovery and come to a standstill without further contacting them.
I TRIED ACCESSING THE 02 SIMCARD which incidentally has stayed in my dual sim phone throughout and it shows NO NETWORK (emergency calls only) but phone number is displayed. I decided to try topping it up. i couldnt on the phone's (my) o2 simcard as no network is showing and showed no network when i went to ring but i used my noddle and rang in on the advertised o2 landline number with my other simcard utilised in the phone (thats with another provider) and entered the o2 number. It did not recognise the number. I reentered it when it asked and it still didnt and it was the o2 number.
i cannot access my default mobile phone google account without it as the o2 number is the verification location, i viewed it ubersafe having it like that. You perhaps think im stupid but ive never needed to log fully out of the google account and out of the store and havent, why would i need to log out yet now theres this stonewall white screen with black text saying id logged out and i cannot progress in to update things. I think its been done deliberately at me because something else unrelated happened recently but if spent longer than 5 minutes looking(headlines or one off comments which it would need to be rarely are), its obvious its not related(a £43-19 glitch whereas everything around it was fine[before and after], i dont think so).
I need to put money onto the o2 simcard so i can get that verification but it claimed the number wasnt valid. Now there are 2 issues. One, on immediately looking at the number I was a bit confused. I thought the number was xxxxx747149 or very similar. Supposing i just got it wrong and was mistaken then the number, xxxxx714949 (yes i know they are closeish allready, thats not an issue with me), i know the 714949 dates back to 2017, as i can see it in a call history and in any regards is the phone number which was showing as the phone number when this has cropped up so thats what I am going with, err just ignore this bit until i pull out written confirmation on this, just assume its the latter, if 1st is linked to me though, something very, very nefarious, has/is going on. (I very rarely leave the phone far from sight and the o2 simcard has remained in it)..another phone when i have tried to topup to check network also shows what is in it now as xxxxx714949. I feel minisetup as this present phone dates from 2019 and ive had use for the simcard since then but it doesnt show in phone history, not either number just mentioned.
I KNOW SOME WILL SAY THIS SOUNDS SERIOUS...Its more serious if i cant get access to change the verification means on my phone and i would have been able to do it with money from a topup on it.
1. Can someone assist in my being able to top up my phone, maybe reactivate it if necessary. It will be in my name. Its just that i am Catagelophobic. Genuinely so, became so after a skytv girl deliberately messed with me over the phone many years back playing a back and forward mentioning 2 sets of dates and times game at me, so i only use the phone for talking to friends nowadays. Phone conversations with strangers makes me nervous. That will be the xxxxx714949 as its what shows as in my phone so should be it.
2. Would it be possible to ascertain from somebody if xxxxx747149 was ever in my name(may have to get back on exact number but thats readily rolling off tongue in my head), and in my thoughts was more recent, if so who should i speak to, to ascertain wrt from o2? Please dont be silly or sarcastic. You have not walked a mile in my shoes I am serious. i know how it sounds, i am regularly messed with, my home illegally accessed, please dont be rude and just answer number 2 if youve got knowledge of to whom to assist from 02. I know that number from somewhere if not or very very very close to it.
3. Oh and i would like to complain about them closing down payg livechat


(OH AND WHY THE MORE SERIOUS..Think most know there is a humungous inhumanity upon humanity occurring and certain, very likely a fair few people's extreme/ultimate privacy being messed with. Well by the by, i scheduled now to pay 2 cheques into an account online, those cheques to me by Yorkshire Water and this has cropped up-id like to verify everything above board, upto date and where it should be with my device before i proceed and i can only accomplish that with full visibility of my device to ward off being pushed elsewhere and ward off cementing what may not be the case.)

Message 1 of 38

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Aw thanks @Cleoriff smiling

You're welcome

My working hours are Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Any messages sent outside these time will be responded to on my return.
Thanks slight_smile

Girl in a jacket
Message 21 of 38

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Morning Lisa.


"Morning, can I take your O2 mobile number from you please so I can load your accountsmiling"

(Nice smilie slight_smile )

Do you get much time to read thread's content before beginning? Going to do an enmasse post across of initial again for your pm area..i kind of said it and dont want to miss anything out cos that normally happens to me and things arent said

Message 22 of 38

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Morning Lisa,


"Morning, can I take your O2 mobile number from you please so I can load your account xx"


(Nice smilie slight_smile )

Do you get much time to read thread's content before beginning? Going to do an enmasse post across of initial again for your pm area...I kind of said it and don't want to miss anything out because that normally happens to me and things arent said or are missed


"Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied." It keeps erroring with that with the blushing smilie and still showing(unchanged)

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Now you have made contact with @O2Lisa  could I suggest politely that you continue any further conversations with her via private message.

It will help her a lot if queries remain via PM's she has a great deal to work through in respect of helping you to get your issue resolved. wink


A word of advice. Keep it simple, making all relevant points only and I'm sure this will help you both smiling

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 24 of 38

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If you get that error message "Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied." It's a common error, which happens a lot, simply press post again

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 25 of 38

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May I ask your job POSITION PLEASE Cleoriff IN OUR THREAD. Please 

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I did press post again and it came up again. Even though it said it had amended an html when there wasnt one-i guessed it was the smilie which it wasnt removing. I had to remove the blushing smilie from what i copied across and wasnt sure it would work then but it did

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what i needed could have been sorted in 5 minutes on saturday, and still can be now and then an i will get back to you on numbered 2....right now my whole phone is compromised until i can get its default email verified which someone logged me out of and the o2 number is the only verification means. i viewed it hyper secure but then theres this now


edit: i cant access its store otherwise which to me shows google pure stupidity..err needs device so why on the store

Message 28 of 38

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@CatagelophobicC wrote:

May I ask your job POSITION PLEASE Cleoriff IN OUR THREAD. Please 

@CatagelophobicCI'm a forum member like yourself. I have been a member since 2013. Not employed by O2 or anything. When you have been helping people with their queries for 8 years, you just learn a lot along the way... wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 29 of 38

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PLEASE CAN YOU LEAVE THIS THREAD ACTIVE. IF THERE IS NOTHING FURTHER SAID IT WILL DISAPPEAR DOWN, DOWN, DOWN and off page one right into the vastly older pages. I have no intention of putting more unless i find more reference the xxxxxxxxxxx i enquired about and satisfactory resolution of this is vastly important so would like to dot the i s and cross the t s if i can ascertain / put an ending explanation to what has happened or still needs explaining but from a knows more standpoint.
I am not happy that you cannot reactivate the o2 simcard but so be it. Another reason for leaving the thread open which i would like is so i can link google to it too. How can this happen you may ask [Jan-Feb-Mar 2020 awaiting a court case related to 20 years of being harassed /Feb and Mar 2020 exhorbittent standard water charge of £967-50[i live alone and had/have no reason to use more water than the typical Brit living alone] (bill Feb2020 coming period from April 2020) and asking for reassessment chasing resolution UTILISING Consumer Sales Act 4.51(Services, Reasonable Price to be paid for a service)/Corona Virus pushing court case to August/ being surprised mid year (2020) out of the blue by officialdom elsewhere on another matter which sent me a letter which explained NOTHING but put an onus on me, and hadnt previously dealt with them which is why the unexplaining letter which was their 1st send to me was bad imo/augustish 2020 being messed around with a non functioning peripheral and communication about/separately and unrelated a pcgame which i can only describe as deliberately made to harass where another peripheral 1st worked on the getgo, then stopped working, i downloaded additional stuff to enable working(was told i needed to) then that stopped working, not my end the problem, had more than enough proof something was wrong(game wouldnt let me leave the staging area and also messed with movement) and funny thing is they very recently had signed with xbox which kind of shouted the lunacy as to the issue/then into court case, as good as dropped but stupid 'you must'nt' resolution in their dropping it, and actually AFTER that, vandalisation by unknown persons in my house which caused more effort and cost to me, all the whilst not receiving paper bank statements from NATWEST Bank which they agreed to send on switch across(and tried several methods to rectify it including going into bank and inapp message service and contacting the fca to see if they would have a quiet word). A homefi router i decided to no longer use after it was costing me more monthly for 100gb cap than an unlimited phone sim(which was data only) and they of their own doing raised my monthly by £5(and it still cost less) but made me unlimited everything for phone(another provider not o2)(1st sign was a strange sms from them which indicated a package change and got a huh from me), and i learnt i could just put that sim from phone into router[hence why i KNOW the o2 was just sat in phone-opening and closing phone by pin thing, there it sat], groceries in middle part of year, one major supermarket not supplying several buys of a main meal meat yet they had indicated they had delivered it...they refunded me saying nothing but i felt dirty in what happened there(i emailed them as soon as it was apparant delivery day), and the thing which peeves me off, time before, driver had SAID OFF HIS OWN INITIATION their handover sheet discrepancies to what i ordered(and was correct) and they dont normally do that, seemingly a supermarket new policy and that next time a driver did too but was greatly wrong and i mean wasnt having to buy more groceries as the main centerpiece was missing but how what happened made me feel when it shouldnt have happened(ie like a setup was occurring). Then i had a few successful deliveries elsewhere doing my (answer) lay bags out on floor(divs of 5 to sho p item total) and doing a quick(only item) number tally in hallway with driver still present, can be done in a couple of mins but then in December 2020 had a driver who was awkward with it and wouldnt wait(its always which i post on additonal instrucs setup any problems or discrep i will find what it is and email hence only the few mins if a problem and hadnt been), and wasnt relevant  but also didnt supply a list-there wasnt a scene as i keep a camera handy nowadays which saves needing to make it an argument, but noticed before another delivery, they double charged me for the same shopping wrt THIS actual shopping occurrance HAPPENING. In contacting them they denied double charging me and didnt seem interested i wass howing money out twice for the same shopping(once on ordering, once on d.o.d and all calculations around it showed and calculated fine, before and after the 18 Dec and 22 Dec (sorry £43-19 twice and rest will be ok glitches dont exist. I posted proof in social media online about what i was saying, they were saying and showed what was showing for account[didnt need to show account details) I hadnt had any problems or need to contact them since utilising them again(these  a smaller outfit to the major said about before this which caused me to start the quick tally compare total number against what should be thing). Theres probably more things but a payg simcard sat in a phone not used(but my phone linked to) but other things happening, PUT IT easily on a backburner of not an issue, including its number. I have had a topup card provider decline to correct 3 consecutive wrong transaction CALCULATIONS applied to last balance making new balance incorrect totals in October 2020, claiming them(uaccount) too busy in preparing for a switchover with new partner modulr to even allocate one staff member to do so. The CURRENT balance i was left looking at was wrong as all correctly calculated transactions following those 3 utilised that last incorrect one, giving me a wrong present balance at last look. This situation went to December from third week of October 2020(incl. contacting fca) and is unresolved and note i have kept apps updated.

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