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How do I stop getting charged £1.50 per txt Can 02 help

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L I D L was a Offer I received I thought it was from Lidl

I am on PAYGo When I realised it was not from them and read the conditions

I was going to be charged £1.50 per txt and £4.50 per month. I can afford this

so I immediately rang to try and stop it. They said it wasnt open until Monday

and it could not stop unless I gave them my name address etc !!! My balance had 

already gone down and I now have in less than my monthly subscription.  

Can 02 do anything about it.  It is obviously a scam.  Maggie 

Message 1 of 5

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Cant not Can afford
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@Marge wrote:

L I D L was a Offer I received I thought it was from Lidl

I am on PAYGo When I realised it was not from them and read the conditions

I was going to be charged £1.50 per txt and £4.50 per month. I can afford this

so I immediately rang to try and stop it. They said it wasnt open until Monday

and it could not stop unless I gave them my name address etc !!! My balance had 

already gone down and I now have in less than my monthly subscription.  

Can 02 do anything about it.  It is obviously a scam.  Maggie 

These subscription scams seem to be continuing (albeit at a lower level), despite new rules intended to stop them. You SHOULD have had to go through a PIN authorisation process. O2 don't seem to care, and rarely offer much help, although it is always worth seeing whether they will offer a goodwill refund.


There should be a five digit number (shortcode) given in the texts. Sending a STOP ALL text to this number should prevent any further charges. Sending this text will not cost more than 15p.


On Monday you can call the company to ask for a refund. If you feel you were misled by the way you were subcribed to this "service" you should report your case to the Phone-paid Services Authority. 


Many consumers are unaware that they they can cause money to be taken from their phon account when interacting with adverts on the internet. You can ask O2 for a "charge to mobile" bar. Also, if you are on PAYG, these scams can't take more money that the current airtime credit in your account (as long as you don't have any kind of auto-topup enabled).


I hope you manage to resolve this issue 

Phone payment scam? Need independent advice? Payforit Faq for O2 Customers
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Thank you that was very helpful.  I have now been able to get through and stop it. It said that it will take 24hrs. My balance had gone down again. The number I rang had been searched 904 times and the comments were similar to mine.

Thank you again. 

Message 5 of 5