on 30-08-2021 12:11
I tried resetting my data bundle to the £10 bundle but was told through My02 this couldn’t be done so I topped up £30 to receive the £30 bundle.
the next day, I found my data bundle had indeed been changed and today found my entire £30 balance had been wiped and also that I had no remaining data or allowances and so have had to top up another £10 to now receive the £10 bundle.
I feel the £•original £30 should be refunded and would appreciate a response in due course.
I have always appreciated your service but feel this may be a glitch worth looking in to or similarly for some sort of disclaimer to be included.
kind Regards
on 30-08-2021 12:46
on 30-08-2021 12:46
@JamesSymo88 Hi, wait a short while to see if the £30 bundle has been applied, you should get a text informing you the bundle has been renewed. In future you can change your PAYG bundle type once per month via MYO2.