Other Products and Services
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Welcome to the Other Products and Services board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Other Products and Services board! If you have a question about any O2 product or service that doesn't have it's own board such as O2 voicemail, insurance, roaming, etc then this is the board where you can ask questions to...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! Amazon Prime

I am paying for Amazon Prime through my O2 account but I don't have it in my Amazon account. It is offering me a 30day free trial. How can I access the Amazon Prime I am paying for through O2 in my Amazon account? Also, it says on O2's website that t...

Resolved! Reported a fraud case

I reported a fraud case on 12 October 2023 and despite several attempts to contact O2 I have heard from them. The service levels for answering phone calls is awful. Agents on the line have no ability to action anything. I feel sorry for them having t...

MrEd1959 by Level 1: Joiner
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Removing bar from account

Hi I bought a new phone/sim on Monday 5/6/23 following losing my phone abroad the previous day. I have tried on multiple occasions to have the bar lifted on my phone only to be told it would be lifted and to wait 24 hours to take effect.I have placed...

LukeN29 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! other charges and adjustments - £8 disney+

My bill has an £8 charge in the "Payment Services limit" related to Disney+. Not something I have requested, or there is reference to in emails/texts received from o2...I can see in the forum there is lots of references to removing this as an extra/b...

AliBla by Level 1: Joiner
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O2 Recycle Is A SCAM!!!

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to send a warning to anyone thinking of using O2 Recycle. My situation was I saw the O2 Recycle when thinking of upgrading and when I honestly filled out the recylce valuation, it convinced me to get a new iPhone 7. Anyway,...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 137 replies
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Resolved! unwanted phone

I have sent the phone back that I was sent via the post man. I said i did not want it when the man phoned about reducing the monthly bill. I was very upset when it arrived having said i didn't want it. To have my wishes ignored in that way. If i get ...