Hi, I've chosen Disney+ as an extra, but it's not possible to activate.
When I'm prompted to"click below button to activate your extra" the link
redirects to page stating "Oops. We can't find the page you're after
I'm informed about option of doubling my Data allowance as I'm both O2
and Virgin customer, but there doesn't seem to be any way of actually
activating the option
Thanks, my name and address definitely match. I've tried calling to
customer service already byt with no success (lines constantly busy,
occasionally some useles A.I. tried to help)
Thanks Cleoriff, but there is not a working solution as an answere. I'm
constantly stacked in Catch 22 loop. I'm still being redirected to
option of "join Virgin" , even when choosing "I'm already both O2 an
Virgin customer" (which is the case and bo...