I have lost my phone today and called o2 to block the simcard and phone. They blocked the simcard and sent me a replacement but the very unprofessional lady on the phone said as the phone was not bought from o2 they cant blacklist the device and i have to go to the manufacturing company to do that. She said o2 dont have no information about the phone,whereas in the begining she asked me that what device i was using with the simcard and she confirmed that i was correct abt the make and model. I never bought that device from o2 and never told o2 that i have that particular device so how come o2 had that information.
As far as i know a phone can only be blacklisted by network provider the phone was being last used on.
So can someone help me with this as my insurance company need the blacklist proof and proof of usage.
I even asked for a proof of usage and again same answer . We can only provide proof of usage for the simcard and not the device or any information of the device.
I hereby ask any expert to help me out in this situation.
Thank you