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Phone missing 2nd Mont, O2 Refusing to Blacklist, 3rd Party Supplier + Police + referring back to O2

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Based on an extract of the the my chat with O2 below, O2 refused to Blacklist my Barely used Motorola e6 phone that went missing overseas in October 2019. The reasons cited include "account was not active for 48 hours"and nothing can be done since it was bought from a third Party.


O2 referred me back to Carphone Warehouse, who referred me to the Manufacturer Motorola who referred me back to Carphone Warehouse who then again referred me back to O2.


I have exhausted all avenues including going to the Police and they said only O2 was in a position to blacklist the IMEI, so they referred me back to O2.


The other option I pursued was Ofcom. I was advised to come back in 8 weeks' time if the issue remains unresolved.


I have had to acquire another O2 PAYG simcard to enable me to register, so the conversation is about a number and phone being referred to below:


Chat Start Time Nov 21 2019, 10:29:11 AM
Chat End Time Nov 21 2019, 11:19:55 AM
Duration (actual chatting time) 00:50:44
Operator Ashish
Chat Transcript

info: Welcome to O2, someone will be with you soon.
info: You are through to Ashish
ASHISH: Hi my name is Ashish. Thank you for waiting whilst coming through to us. How can I help?
ASHISH: Good Morning, Nev.
NEV: I would like to blacklist a Moto e6 that went missing overseas on this number.

Message 1 of 8

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@Marjo @Martin-O2 Is there anything you can do to help here? Someone is refusing to follow the rules for lost/missing/ stolen phones.

@Nev  did you follow the advice here Guide: Lost or Stolen O2 Device? - How to Report it ?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 8

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Thanks for your response. I initiated chats with O2 after seeing the "Lost Phone" link, though my first contact was more than a month late. There was £10 credit in the PAYG simcard. All I was requesting was for the IMEI to be blocked, but, I have ever since been moving in circles.

Message 3 of 8

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We rarely encourage anyone to deal with Live Chat although they are often your only option with lost phones. (Although you can borrow a phone and call on 0800 032 140)


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 4 of 8

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Lost or stolen device
If your device has been lost or stolen, we're available 24 hours a day to help. We can block your device, and send you a new sim with your existing number. If your device has been stolen, you need to let us and the police know within 24 hours. If it's been lost, just let us know within 24 hours. We'll then cap your liability for calls and data to £100, in case there is any unauthorised use of your device.

  • If you're a Pay Monthly customer, call us on: 0344 809 0202, or +44 344 809 0202 if you're abroad.
  • If you're a Pay As You Go customer you'll need to call: 0344 809 0222 or +44 344 809 0222 if you're abroad.
  • You can dial the highlighted numbers from any phone, anywhere.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 5 of 8

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Hey @Nev
Very frustrating for you. Hope you can get through this with the above advice.
Keep in touch, good luck and welcome to the o2 community forum ☃️☃️☃️


Message 6 of 8

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Full Extract of above conversation


info: Welcome to O2, someone will be with you soon.

info: You are through to Ashish

ASHISH: Hi my name is Ashish. Thank you for waiting whilst coming through to us. How can I help?

ASHISH: Good Morning, Nev.

NEV: I would like to blacklist a Moto e6 that went missing overseas on this number.

ASHISH: I'll help you with the block on the lost device,

ASHISH: Can I confirm that you wish to discuss the Pay & Go number you have already entered?

NEV : Yes

ASHISH: Thanks for confirming.

ASHISH: Let's complete the security check.

ASHISH: Can you please confirm the current balance on the account?

NEV: OK. I do not recall the balance, but have a SIM Serial Number

ASHISH: Please help me with the sim serial number.


ASHISH: Thanks for confirming.

ASHISH: Please help me with the make and model of the phone lost and used with this mobile number.

NEV: Motorola E6

ASHISH: I can see that, there has been no Motorola device used with this number.

ASHISH: We cannot block that device.

NEV: I did receive a message from you on that device on 9th October.

ASHISH: I wish if the number was associated or used with that device.

ASHISH: There is no usage reflecting for that device with this number.

ASHISH: I can surely place the bar on your lost sim card.

ASHISH: Will that be fine?

NEV: I have contacted Carphone Warehouse regarding same and the write Kindly be advised that Carphone Warehouse is unable to blacklist handsets and as such I will have to advise you either speak O2 for further assistance.

ASHISH: Nev, we can only block any device if used on O2 network.

ASHISH: The device you're querying about is not used with this number.

ASHISH: Was that device bought from Carphone warehouse?

NEV: Yes. It was. And they are directing me to you

ASHISH: Do they know, that you haven't used the device on O2 network yet?

NEV: I travelled with the phone to ----, where I got text messages on it, to the effect that I was supposed to have contacted 02 before travelling to set it on Roaming. Thats how I failed to use it. Then it went missing

ASHISH: In that case, O2 cannot place any block on that device.

ASHISH: You can contact local police authorities for further help with blocking the device.

ASHISH: As the O2 sim card was not used with that device for atleast 24 hours, the device was not associated with this number.

NEV: The manufacturer cant block, Carphone Warehouse cant. Its not insured, so all I need is to have it rendered unusable

NEV: It was in the phone for days around 9th October. I even got welcome to 02 messages from other O2 PAYG simcards bought on the day

ASHISH: Nev, sim card in the phone means it should be working.

NEV: It was then

ASHISH: There was no usage made.

ASHISH: No Motorola device is reflecting on your account.

ASHISH: How can we block a device which is not on your account.


ASHISH: We don't have any information about that device at our end. We'll be unable to block any such device.

ASHISH: I hope you understand that.

ASHISH: Also, the device was not bought from O2. So, we're unable to find any details of that phone.

NEV: There was no usage, but there were welcome messages

NEV: I have the IMEI number

ASHISH: That'll also not help, the device should be on this mobile number. So that we can block it.

NEV: The Device was bought on O2 from Carphone Warehouse

ASHISH: I'll confirm once again, there is no Motorola device on this mobile number.

ASHISH: Nev, you got the device from a 3rd party supplier with O2 sim card.

ASHISH: The device is not from O2.

NEV: Yes

ASHISH: I hope you understand that.

ASHISH: Great.

ASHISH: The sim card needed to be used in that device for 24 to 48 hours.

ASHISH: Then we could have blocked the device

ASHISH: But there is no Motorola device used.

ASHISH: That's the reason, we can't.

NEV: So if third party cannot help, and you cannot, so where does the Customer stand

ASHISH: I can confirm that, O2 cannot block that device as not used with O2 sim card.

ASHISH: You can contact local police authorities for further help with blocking the device.

ASHISH: I wish if the phone was used with that sim card for atleast 24 hours. But without that, no option available to block the device from our end.

ASHISH: Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with?

ASHISH: Should I place the bar on lost sim card?

NEV: Just dumbfound regarding the fact that despite receiving "Welcome to O2" messages" and Roaming Messages on that device,on 9th and 10th October, at least it did not register on your network.

NEV: I will have to chase this up with Oftel as well

ASHISH: Nev, if your phone is switched off that is not counted as sim card working.

ASHISH: Also, there was no usage made from your end on that phone with this sim card.

ASHISH: Receiving network messages is also not counted as usage

ASHISH: If the device is not reflecting on O2 systems, how are we supposed to block it. Please let me know that ?

NEV: Did it not register messages like Welcome to ------- on your network?

ASHISH:  If the device is not reflecting on O2 systems, how are we supposed to block it. Please let me know that ?

ASHISH: Those welcome messages are only notification regarding the roaming.

ASHISH: That is not usage

ASHISH: If the device is not reflecting on O2 systems, how are we supposed to block it. Please let me know that ?

NEV: I requested that the Device be BLACKLISTED, which I understand you can do

ASHISH:  If the device is not reflecting on O2 systems, how are we supposed to block it. Please let me know that ?

NEV: BLACKLISTED for use on any other Network

ASHISH: How is that possible if not reflecting on our systems ?

ASHISH: That is technically impossible.

ASHISH: To block a device, we'll need a O2 mobile number used with that device.

NEV: If a device is stolen and the simcard is immediately replaced, cant you blacklist the IMEI?

ASHISH: Only if the device has been used on O2 network for minimu24 to 48 hours.

ASHISH: Bit that not the case in your device.

ASHISH: Your device is no used on O2 network for that time.

ASHISH: That's the reason, it's not present on O2.

ASHISH: I'll confirm once again, we cannot block that device.

ASHISH: Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with?

NEV: No problem. I will go the long route via OFTEL. Thanks


ASHISH: You can surely try that for the confirmation of the information given from my end.

ASHISH: They'll give you the confirmation.

ASHISH: Is there anything else I can help you with?

ASHISH: Are we still connected?

NEV: I did contact yesterday, with the same query. I got the number wrong XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX814 instead of the one in question. They went to as far as checking on the IMEI number. Only today I realised that I had mixed the numbers.

NEV: Yes still connected

ASHISH: That's the most we can do from our end to check the IMEI but we cannot block it.

ASHISH: Rest assure, I'm giving you correct information.

ASHISH: It cannot be blacklisted from O2's end.

NEV: I am not disputing all you are saying. Just wondering where I stand as "Your Customer through a Third Party", with you not being in a position to assist, and the third party also not in a position to assist, meanwhile a handset is being used by someone who never paid for it

ASHISH: I already advised you to contact the local police authorities for further help.

ASHISH: I already advised you to contact the local police authorities for further help.

NEV: Ans then as a Customer I hit a brick wall in just trying to have peace of mind by at least having an item blacklisted.

ASHISH: We cannot blacklist a device which is not on O2.

NEV: Yes. Will contact both Police and OFCOM for clarification of issues.

ASHISH: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Message 7 of 8

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Happy to pick this one up for you @Nev. I'll send you a message to get the info needed to investigate. 

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