on 21-02-2013 09:45
on 21-02-2013 09:45
Hi !
Been waiting since 9AM on the Waiting room to get tickets and the system is very slow.
Just scared that the same problem as the one raised earlier with Michael Buble will bounce back.
Does anyone experience the same problem here ?
on 22-02-2013 11:01
on 22-02-2013 11:04
on 22-02-2013 11:04
22-02-2013 11:11 - edited 22-02-2013 11:16
22-02-2013 11:11 - edited 22-02-2013 11:16
Hi Mark.
Sorry if you feel I'm being insincere as its simply not the case. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate how frustrating it must be. I assure you that we'll be taking all the comments from this thread to the rest of the team.
We have tried to provide you with as much info as we can when we have received it and I really hope you manage to get one tomorrow.
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on 22-02-2013 11:39
Maybe you need to look at the number of tickets people can buy in one request..was it 6! Maybe 4 would be better? it would still allow a group of friends to buy a reasonable number. If someone were buying to resell they will hoover up as many as possible, numerous sessions and payment methods. So, if someone logs on, gets 4 tickets, maybe they should have to logon again and requeue for more. If they get more, good luck to them, but at least others would have a chance in the interim as the tickets would not sell out as quickly. The waiting room set up as it stands doesn't seem to work.
on 22-02-2013 11:50
Repeat question for Toby/Leonard - who, in O2, was responsible for contracting the ineffective website partner, and what is being done about their personal failures, and that of the website partner?
As for steersy, I am one of the 'cancelling contract' brigade - however I had one browser open, my laptop - and had all sorts of problems detailed earlier in this thread, does that make me ignorant?
Your grouping of everyone who had problems together, as some kind of multi logon quintuple browser criminals was, well, ignorant really.
on 22-02-2013 11:56
on 22-02-2013 11:56
22-02-2013 12:04 - edited 22-02-2013 12:05
Liquid - so few complaints? Surely a sample size as this is far too small to assess how many are really fed up with O2's performance on this issue? How many are silently disgusted? How many can't be bothered posting? Don't know how to?
You also state the majority are happy, does that mean at least 50% + 1 person that was online waiting for priority tickets was successful? If so, how did you come by this information please?
I repeat ad infinitum, the issue is not the high demand, but the terrible performance of the website O2 selected and paid for. No-one at O2 seems to be able to grasp this most basic of supplier/customer relationship concepts.
In terms of other issues - apart from the non existent 3G coverage in my area, generally I quite like O2 which is another reason why I'm struggling to get my head round how badly they've done with this.
on 22-02-2013 12:08
Hi Liquid,
Fair comment, I agree that to some extent, and you can't please everyone. We all know that demand far outweighed the offering, ..it's the way it currently works. You will probably find that there are more unhappy than happy customers, they're probably not all messaging.
Phone or contract issues aside. O2 have chosen to make O2 Priority one of their key selling points and services, and as such are responsible for that system working as efficiently and fairly as possible..which at the moment you have to say it doesn't.
Still liking the Iron Maiden comment....can't wait for the 'Halo' remix!
on 22-02-2013 12:33
22-02-2013 12:38 - edited 22-02-2013 12:43
22-02-2013 12:38 - edited 22-02-2013 12:43
No I completely agree there may well be many who cannot or do not wish to post, I can only go on the information available to me. Eg the number of users understandably angry in this thread vs the amount of people on social media who are happy.
I refer to the "majority" purely on the information I've read on separate medias. It's a figure pulled from my backside as unfortunately I am not privy to exact figures:(
I completely agree there are some major issues to work out. The ticket tout is my biggest peeve at the moment. They take tickets from O2 customers to profit from themselves(bet they don't pay back to the government).
It needs a lot of reworking but unfortunately saying you will leave O2 will not solve it:( O2 need if anything a deluge of complaints via social media. If you make the issues so public in a negative light O2 will have no choice but to comment and reevaluate.
Now I am not suggesting setting up a hate group by any means. Well written constructive complaints will go a lot further than idle threats. If you want an answer I suggest flooding the twitter feed between yourselves with your disgust at the priority moments system.
Hit one of their main selling points and see how they react.
you are not alone on the halo remix:) a been waiting so long but perfection takes time:)