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Lumia 550 Windows 10 intermittently sends and receives text?

Not applicable

My Microsoft Lumia 550 windows 10 phone has since I got it 2 weeks ago does not send or receive texts. When it decides to stop sending messages in the settings under Network& Wireless, then in Mobile & Sim there is nothing no settings. The only thing at the top of the screen is web link Mobile & settings. Sometime if I switch the phone off and I can send txts and all the information in the screen under mobile and simm is there. I was told by a shop Guru that it could be the 4g setting so this was changed to 3g and it still happened. It is not as frequent, it may occur once every 3 days, sometimes I have to take the battery out. It's getting to the point where I be return the phone to the shop...any help would be appreciated.


Message 1 of 23

Not applicable

Like i said, i did sort it but i after having Cortana and Windows Hello issues with my 950 i found after a hard reset it was like a brand new device, it has been faster than ever, After this reset was when i was having issues with SMS Delivery Confirmation, I had to disable and remove the sim card to get SMS working again.

The new update if it is firmware should help out, and you can try and use the Windows Device Recovery Tool. Which is a tool provided by Microsoft which will download and reflash with the latest firmware and OS.


P.S make sure you download the Windows Device Recovery Tool and not the Nokia one.

Message 21 of 23

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Sorry to hear about the ongoing problems @Anonymous! I really hope Microsoft can help out and I shall let the rest of the team know about the difficulties here. Let us all know slight_smile

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Message 22 of 23

Level 26: Upbeat
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I still say that the 950 shouldnt have been sold as a high end end handset, it should have been released as a beta unit until all these bugs are ironed out. I love my 950, and can live with the odd random crash/reboot but anyone new to windows mobile wouldnt be as forgiving.
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Message 23 of 23