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Adding music to my Nokia 515

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..... Toby's thread about music

I have a Nokia 515 (as recommended by MI5 earlier in the year) 

it has apps on it & more apps ..... but I've not touched any of those type of buttons because (1) I'm not sure what they do ..... & ..... (2) I'm frightened about running up an un-necessary bill ..... but I would like some music to listen to through earphones

I've stopped buying cd's from Amazon as its not economic & there maybe only one track I like eg recent Van Morrisson & Michael Buble purchases

I've not downloaded anything to my mobile

before coming into O2C I would regularly go into the town's O2 store for help ..... = ..... major reason I choose O2

would I be correct in thinking I would be able to go into the O2 store & ask them & they could look up my contract details & advise me? ..... I am conscious that every 15 minutes the staff are expected to make a sale & I do feel somewhat guilty if I'm not buying but only seeking advice

thank you :womanvery-happy:

Message 1 of 85

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If you're using a micro SD card Jane, then if you get a reader or adapter you can plug that into the computer to transfer everything over. You won't need to worry about the data cable then Smiley Very Happy


Something like this or this

iPhone 14 Pro (O2 ), S23U (EE), iPad Pro LTE (EE), .

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Message 41 of 85

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I am looking at the mains charger jonsie ..... I've plugged it into a 3-pin socket & the other end into the phone which is charging up

I've gone into apps & more apps ..... & a screen shot has come up :- Welcome ..... Discover apps, games and more in Store + more stuff, but I've lost the screen & I can't get it back ..... & there was a blue on white bubble with the words 'I accept' inside it ..... = dunno what that was?

@MI5 you did ask me before if  I used my phone for web sites eg 'the weather clock' & I answered only email & web sites on laptop ..... I'm a bit anxious not to press a button on Nokia phone which gets me paying for something I can access for free elsewhere eg looking up my town's weather on laptop & not phone ..... am I making sense or drivelling on? Help :womanhappy:

Message 42 of 85

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@aldaweb wrote:

If you're using a micro SD card Jane, then if you get a reader or adapter you can plug that into the computer to transfer everything over. You won't need to worry about the data cable then Smiley Very Happy


Something like this or this

aldaweb, I've just ordered one from Amazon as you suggest

@MI5 @jonsie @aldaweb you know I'm grateful for you taking time out to help me - I'm starting from scratch here & my short term retentive memory is not great ..... I have a new desk-top printer, but unfortunately I think I've 'naffed' something up by trying to sort it out myself (after my son installed it) & I can't print pages off O2C just now, which would be great for me to refer back to, rather than me making pen & paper notes ..... is it necessary for me to have notes? - I think it is the way I learn ..... yep, old-fashioned ..... anyway in the meantime I await delivery from Amazon ..... scary stuff for me this, but I'm keen to learn slight_smile

Message 43 of 85

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Jane, the very top right key with the - on it, above the call end key is the back or exit button. Keep pressing this until you get back to the homescreen.
Don't panic about it costing money as data will just stop working when you've used up your monthly allowance - No extra charges wink
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 44 of 85

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thank you MI5, you have put my mind at rest ..... & ..... peace of mind is a precious thing isn't it? ..... someone sent me something recently ..... 'Worries don't take away tomorrow's problems - they take away today's peace' = or something like that & I'd go with that - sorry if I've gone off-subject slight_smile

Message 45 of 85

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Wise words Jane slight_smile
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 46 of 85

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thank you MI5 Hug

Message 47 of 85

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Lovely to hear that you take notes Jane...paper and pen the old fashioned way.

Its exactly the way I learn (old habits die hard).... Smiley Very Happy

I have notepads full of useful information.....its searching through those notepads that gives me a headache LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 48 of 85

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@aldaweb @MI5 @jonsie 

Amazon delivery today ..... = ..... micro SDHC card ..... what does SDHC stand for please?

I also have taken delivery of a SanDisk adapter

one packet had a 'delivery note' inside = the other packet did not

so you, knowing me ..... Confused .....

am off to see my mum & dad ..... as getting nasty pain/ache at back/base of head now

will come back later on in day

have a good weekend lads

WispaRed7 Cat

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