Hey everyone, it's Christmas Eve! How did that happen? It feels like the year has flown in... who's with me?
So the day before the big one, do you have any typical or non-typical family traditions? I've included some below that I either do myself, or have heard from others:
Christmas movies from morning to night. This is something i tend to find myself doing each year. My favourites are: Jingle All The Way, Polar Express and The Grinch
No microwave dinners... I make sure to set aside the time for a home cooked meal to set us up nicely for the turkey coma that follows tomorrow... Usually beef stew and dumplings.
One present on Christmas Eve? Not one i do, but seems popular that families will all open one gift each to help curb the excitement
Got kids or grandkids and go the extra mile after they go to sleep with milk and cookies/carrots, dusted snow footprints and other santa clues?
When i was younger... A long time ago, unfortunately... I used to drink a lot before bed to force me to wake up after midnight, which by then I'll usually have had a stocking made up for me, hanging on my door - i loved my little stockings!
So what about you guys? Any of you do any of the above, or got other traditions you like to do on Christmas Eve? If so, let us know in the comments below.
Hope you all have a brilliant Christmas, and if you don't celebrate it, i wish you health and happiness during this festive period.