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🌳🌳 World Environment Day 2020 🌳🌳

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Hey guys,

it is World Environment Day - I thought this is a topic to bring up. Each year, marine plants produce more than a half of our atmosphere's oxygen, and a mature tree cleans our air, absorbing 22 kilos of carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in exchange. Despite all the benefits that our nature give us, we still mistreat it.

As O2 does do their best to take the C out of CO2 and become UK’s No.1 network with plans to reduce carbon emissions across its business by 2025, giving UK consumers and businesses a mobile network where calls, texts and data are powered by cleaner, greener energy.



But I though everyone one of us could do their fair share to reduce their carbon footprint just by making a few changes in our life. I found these very easy yet super helpful ways:


  • Choose organic and local foods that are in season. Transporting food from far away, whether by truck, ship, rail or plane, uses fossil fuels for fuel and for cooling to keep foods in transit from spoiling


  • Reduce your food waste by planning meals ahead of time, freezing the excess and reusing leftovers.


  • Compost your food waste if possible and complete the cycle


  • Don’t buy fast fashion - Trendy, cheap items that go out of style quickly get dumped in landfills where they produce methane as they decompose


  • Wash your clothing in cold water - The enzymes in cold water detergent are designed to clean better in cold water. Doing two loads of laundry weekly in cold water instead of hot or warm water can save up to 500 pounds of carbon dioxide each year.


  • Bring your own reusable bag when you shop


  • Try to avoid items with excess packaging


  • Change incandescent light bulbs (which waste 90 percent of their energy as heat) to light emitting diodes (LEDs). Though LEDs cost more, they use a quarter of the energy and last up to 25 times longer.


  • Switch lights off when you leave the room and unplug your electronic devices when they are not in use




If you want to find out more about World Environment Day you can find all the information here. Let me know below if you can think of other ways to help our planet and I forgot to mention. What do you do to help mother nature?

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Message 1 of 6

Level 94: Supreme
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I make a point of...

Picking up my own rubbish and taking it home.

Try to use less plastic, no bottled water now.

Also support various Environmental Charities.

I use less water (have a water meter.)

Cook more than one meal in the oven (Freeze the second one for use later)

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 6

Not applicable
I’ve harped on here several times about my environmental efforts so I won’t list them again but recently I started picking up one piece of litter every time I go out for a walk.
Apparently, if every person on the planet did the same, the world would be litter free in under 3 weeks!
Message 3 of 6

Level 47: Going Places
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@Anonymous wrote:
recently I started picking up one piece of litter every time I go out for a walk.
Apparently, if every person on the planet did the same, the world would be litter free in under 3 weeks!

What a brilliant piece of advice @Anonymous thumbsup


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 4 of 6

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@Cleoriff @Anonymous @Mi-Amigo all very good! Keep the good ideas coming!!!

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Message 5 of 6

Not applicable

I re-cycle plastic, glass and metal from the house into the blue wheelie bin

From time to time @Anonymous I do tidy up the canal towpath, there are plenty of litter bins with black plastic liners and dog poo bins

I am hesitant to pick up any litter these days because of contamination, however if I plan a picking up litter job I can use gloves

There is a Friends of Canal and Waterways Trust, but you don't see them very much.

Message 6 of 6