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The Virtual Lounge

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Anyone here ? relieved



[Please see related discussion about "The Virtual Lounge" here]


iPhone 15 plus 128Gb light pink & Apple watch series 9 pink (Celluar all with Vodafone slight_smile
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@Glory1 I wish I could express just how much I appreciate the support and the good wishes of yourself and many other members. I can't name everyone at the risk of missing others. You've helped in ways I would rather not go into.

Only one of you knows the full extent of some of the really dark times both physically and mentally. Things I can't share with family. Anyway onwards and upwards as they say. 

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@jonsie wrote:

@Glory1 I wish I could express just how much I appreciate the support and the good wishes of yourself and many other members. I can't name everyone at the risk of missing others. You've helped in ways I would rather not go into.


Well @jonsie I only wish I could do more. 

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 92 of 12,294

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Hi @jonsie Hug

I've just rung your hospital to see if I can send you some colourful fresh flowers ... however ... the nice lady who spoke to me said she thought flowers were not supposed to be on your ward

Sooo if it's the thought which counts

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@jonsie you're in my thoughts each day sunflower XX

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Thank you for the thought @Anonymous but yes, this is an infection controlled ward and fresh flowers aren't allowed. Honestly, virtual flowers are absolutely fine with me smiley

Message 94 of 12,294

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@jonsie wrote:

Thank you for the thought @Anonymous but yes, this is an infection controlled ward and fresh flowers aren't allowed. Honestly, virtual flowers are absolutely fine with me smiley

Thank you @jonsie xx 

Here's another bunch then 


Message 95 of 12,294

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I don't play music much ... even The Moody Blues ... = ... my favourite group

However... I do sing about the house ... btw I have absolutely no singing voice

Right now I'm singing 'A Rainy Night In Georgia'

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Singing voice...thats a laugh on my part Jane. joy

For years I was involved in the hospital pantomime which went out in December. I think I did 4 in total. 

In one (as Dandini) I was required to sing with the lass who was playing Prince Charming. She had a brilliant singing voice....and I sounded like a croaking frog.

In the end I threw a strop and said I wasn't going to sing at all...... The producer altered the script so I could speak the words instead of singing...

The following year I looked closely at the script to make sure there would be no singing involved...LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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It's good to sing in the confines of your home @WispaRed7 smiley

I used to sit in the bars at home with the earphones 🎧 in listening to the music on my phone and thinking I mustn't sing along.... but I did... quietly I thought... then people would start staring and the bar staff would start laughing! And when you are singing along, you tend only to sing every other line so the song is unrecognisable to others joy

Mind you I've not had much to sing about lately but I listen to my music most days. The trouble is that I have heard the songs so many times now that I'm getting fed up of them so I've taken to youtube and found myself listening to all sorts of things I wouldn't ordinarily like music

Message 98 of 12,294

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Singing voice...thats a laugh on my part Jane. joy

For years I was involved in the hospital pantomime which went out in December. I think I did 4 in total. 

In one (as Dandini) I was required to sing with the lass who was playing Prince Charming. She had a brilliant singing voice....and I sounded like a croaking frog.

In the end I threw a strop and said I wasn't going to sing at all...... The producer altered the script so I could speak the words instead of singing...

The following year I looked closely at the script to make sure there would be no singing involved...LOL

@Cleoriff ... Awww Bless bouquet

I can imagine you as Dandini with your long legs in a Principal Boy outfit

Good on you for throwing a strop & I betcha you have a nice speaking voice rose

Image result for principal boy costume

Something like this Cleo xx bouquet




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Umm.....very sexy 😉
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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