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                                  🎃 🦇👻 ONE SENTENCE HALLOWEEN STORY 👻🦇🎃


Hello my Ghoulish friends...🦇

Tonight it's Halloween all over the world and it's time for another One Sentence Story.

This needs much involvement from forum members as it will become a story you tell….

The idea is, I will give you the story background, then someone follows on with another sentence/para to add to the story, and someone else, etc etc etc.

Remember my ghoulish friends, it's Halloween so it can be as frightening, gory, bloodthirsty and funny as you like jack_o_lantern👻🦇

@Mi-Amigo @pgn @TallTrees @gmarkj @MI5 @jonsie @J9el @Comben @BobM @Enlli @RunrigForever 

@Breanna @RafaC @Martin-O2 @blissgirl and any other member I may have missed.


Halloween 22 OSS.jpg

And So IT Begins....


It was a cold gusty night just before Halloween in the town of Deathmort. Dolly Daydream was too excited to feel the cold though, she has got the part of the third witch in the Town's Am-Dram production of Macbeth.

She is a little unhappy about the witches speech because she is a vegetarian and has made a list of the animal parts:


Fillet of a fenny snake,

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,

Lizard's leg and owlet's wing,

Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,


Gall of goat

Nose and lips,


Tigers Chaudron


She is hoping to convince the Prop master to find other parts, which don't come from animals.


On arriving at the theatre, she is a little worried to find the place in semi- darkness but seems to be lots of flickering lights.

When she goes in, Dolly finds the whole theatre has been filled with pumpkins with candles in. She feels this is very atmospheric. She notices the other two witches on stage, Hercate and Evillene and they are talking to the prop master Michael Myers.

Before she can reach them, Dolly hears a screeching noise and sees two bats closing in on her and other bats flying around the theatre. "Don't worry Dolly" rasps Michael Myers, "They are fake bats just to get into the Halloween mood".

Dolly scrambles onstage and starts to tell Michael of her concerns about using animal parts for the cauldron.

"I think I better ask the producer if we can do anything about that Dolly". From the back of the stage appears a really evil looking man dressed as a Clown. "Hello Dolly" whispers the clown. "I'm Penny Wise…  my mother wanted a girl, however you can call me by my initials I.T" Dolly had no time to query what I.T. had to do with Penny Wise, as she needed to ask him not to use animal parts. To her surprise I.T agreed.

"Seems this is just up your street Michael" he said, " Haddonfield, where you lived before, is down on population. Oh and don't forget your mask".

Dolly gave Michael her list.

The two witches, Hercate and Evillene cackled gleefully. As Dolly was led away to get changed into her Witches costume, she happened upon 3 figures hanging from the rafters by their ankles. They were all covered in black cloaks. "What are those IT ? Dolly asked. "Oh I call them my Lost Boys' ….they have nowhere to go during the day so I let them 'hang out' here." How kind, thought Dolly. She went into the dressing room to don her witches outfit and then…..




Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 71

Level 47: Going Places
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Michael Myers wandered off down a corridor when he saw Elizabeth Hernia-Support, the ex-PM [Production Manager] of the Am Dram group, sitting on a bench with her back to him. Michael called out to her "Liz! Liz!". She lept to her feet, and did a U-turn to face Michael. Michael saw Elizabeth was crying and handed her a handkerchief. Wiping her eyes she said "No-one loves me". While Liz`s eyes were closed, Michael reached into his pocket and brought out a knife, with which he slashed Liz`s throat, and said "You`re right, Liz. Nobody likes you, everyone hates you". With blood gushing from her neck, Liz collapsed on the floor. Michael knelt over her and cut off Liz`s nose, slashed her lips right off, and cut off the first finger of her right hand. Grinning, Michael said to himself "That`s three things off the list - nose, lips, finger - and not an animal harmed. Dolly will be pleased" and Michael went off to find her....


[I know this is a long "sentence" but got carried away as I`m so pleased that One Sentence Story is back]  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 2 of 71

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Meanwhile, the doors of the Theatre opened to allow the audience into the bar for pre-show drinks, "I do love Macbeth" said Lady Tramp-Dogg. "I hear this one will be slightly different. Not ready to start yet so plenty of time for G&T's in the bar"…

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 71

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She had hung on to every word, but missed one important detail: cold nights, witches hang-outs and broomsticks make for a chilly, well... 

No bluetits here 😖

Still, she rearranged her outfit and soldiered out into the chill October air.

Message 4 of 71

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Not knowing who was wandering out into the cold night air, Michael took his opportunity and pounced with his knife ready and....

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 71

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Dolly tutted "You`re not supposed to say the name of the Scottish play Lady Tramp-Dogg, it`s bad luck to say it".

"Superstitious nonsense" said Tramp-Dogg "What could possibly go wrong?"


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 6 of 71

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"Plenty" thought M|ichael, as he slashed a piece of leg from someone at the back. "There's the filet' he muttered gleefully

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 71

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Having put the mokkers on the evening's events, it seemed likely that any stage stabbing be performed delicately, just in case the knives were out of order. Was that a dagger she saw before her?

giphy (3) (19).gif


Message 8 of 71

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The other two witches chanting trouble trouble whilst setting up the Cauldron to stew all the parts were so busy they didn't notice one of IT's boys dropping to the stage floor and sinking his teeth into Hercate then...




Message 9 of 71

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Michael ran onto the stage with a carrier bag and pulled out the nose, lips, finger and fillet and showing them to Molly said "There you go and not an animal harmed". "Oh goodie" said Dolly "Drop them in the cauldron, Michael"; which he did before he glanced at the folks hanging round the bar...  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 10 of 71